Worried about melanoma & lymph node involvement

Hi all,

Hoping to to gain some insight into what I should be doing about this...

I have always been very 'moley' and have had several moles checked by GPs in the past. None of them have ever been deemed suspicious enough to be referred on. However, I currently have a raised, hot and very itchy mole on my upper left arm. I originally wasn't too worried, until I realised I could feel a couple of enlarged lymph nodes under the same armpit. 

I intend to make an appointment next week but I have very little faith in my GP surgery. I also suffer with health anxiety and am very worried I will be dismissed as 'over-anxious' and worrying about nothing.

Does anyone have any words of advice about how to go about speaking to a GP? Or perhaps reassurance about a similar occurence? I have scared myself silly reading about melanoma staging and survival rates once cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear from some of you.. 
