Lump above collar bone and waiting for results... UPDATED

Hi Everyone

Just after some advice really (and maybe a virtual hug or two - feeling a bit overwhelmed)

I've had a lump above my collar bone for at least 18 months (don't know exactly when it appeared but I have various lipomas and just brushed it off as the same at the time) it got really hard and more prominent just before christmas so I emailed the Dr to see whether it was worth making an appt to get it checked out. Got a call back the next day and referred straight to ENT. I saw ENT on the 19th - camera up my nose and checked the lump out. He referred me for a ultrasound and biopsy as he was concerned it could be linked to something in my abdomen. Had the biopsy last Wednesday (lovely 40th birthday treat for me lol - they did wish me a happy birthday). I have my follow up booked in for the 4th but I'm losing the plot waiting now. The ultrasound guy said that there was a 10% chance that the lump was 'normal' and while he was doing the biopsy was talking about lymphoma and how treatable it was with chemo - just now he's sown that seed in my mind it's hard to focus on anything else. Doesn't help I started my new job last week too - my new boss has been fab though which was a relief.

Can they really tell what it is likely to be from ultrasound? Anyone had the results before the follow up appointment or have I just got to suck it up and put my patient pants on?!

  • Hi, I am going through a similar thing. Bone lump connected to my collarbone. 

    did you get an update ?


    I am hoping no news is good news for you. 

  • Hi Charlou

    Im still awaiting my results. I've book a phone appointment with my Dr for today as the lump has changed to a sausage shape now. I hope you're okay and get to the Drs to see what they say. It's the waiting game that is constantly playing on my mind. It feels like someone is pressing lightly on my windpipe with their thumb so it's a bit difficult to not think about it as I notice it every time I swallow. If you haven't been to the Drs please make sure you get an appointment and get it checked. 

    best wishes to you

  • Hello, 


    i hope You are keeping well. 

    did you get an update ?

  • Hi there 

    hope you are keeping well also. I've had blood tests etc which have all come back as clear but nothing about the lump. The X-ray has come back as nothing abnormal yet the lump is bigger than when this all started. I've been back to the Drs again this week and he's perplexed as to how the X-ray is normal yet the lump is clearly visible and not normal at all. He did say that because of the blood results I shouldn't be worried but he is going to get a second opinion for me to find out why the lump has appeared and what it could be. Very frustrating as I just want to know what it is as it wasn't there and clearly is now. Have you had any results back? 
    Thanks for getting in touch. Keep safe and best wishes G

  • Hi hope u are all doing well, I have found a lump on my collar bone near my neck but it's very sore :/ has any of ur lumps been sore? I'm going to try the doc on Monday as I tried to phone today but no appointments left. Hope ur all well ️

  • Hi Vikki 

    I'm really sorry to hear that and definitely ring the Drs and get it checked. Mine wasn't sore. After a few trips to hospital and X-ray and scan mine has finally turned out to be osteoarthritis in my the joint in my collarbone at the bottom of my neck. I was very lucky to have a dr who wasn't happy with the X-ray result of saying it was normal and referred me for a mri scan and a second opinion as there is no comparison between the left side to the right side. I hope everything goes well for you but don't let it go without getting checked and keep pushing to be seen by your doctor and scans if you want peace of mind if you're not happy. 
    Best wishes 


  • Hi,

    I've been reading the posts & pleased to hear that your results were positive than you perhaps feared. I too have a lump on the right side of my collar bone. Bloods indicate I'm anemic & have an x-ray booked on Friday.

    best wishes x

  • Hi all just to add my opinion on this don't wait for doctors things take to long if you are worried tell them to refer you for a private scan it will cost money but its not as expensive as you think and is worth the piece of mind imo, the doctor will give you a referral letter and just contact a private health care provider, once you get a diagnosis tell them to refer you back to your doctor I waited 3 months for an ultrasound and found out I had kidney cancer my appointment was a cancellation so I would have waited longer also remember not everything is cancer good luck.