Normal blood test and ecg


My name is Charmaine and I am 33 years old. I have been having symptoms on and off since October of last yr. 

I have been having pains and burning in my face, pains on and off in my chest and dizziness. I have had all the routine blood work done and they all came back normal except my folate which was low. I have taken medication for this. 

My chest pains were investigated and ruled as acid reflux again which i take medication for. However I have been dizzy all week and the pains in my chest are still present. My ECG came back normal. 

I am so stressed over it and constantly checking Google for reasons to my symptoms. I have 5 children I am scared to not see grow up. I'm super scared there is something wrong with me my doctor can't see . Help! 

  • Hello,

    just came across your post and it stood out because I could literally write your experience word for word. I am currently going through the same as you. Would love to hear how you are getting on or if you have managed to control the issues? My doctor now believes it has something to do with my diet and the foods I am eating that trigger these pains. And it does become more controllable but defianately not resolved! 

  • This is the exact same thing that is happening to me! Everything you have said above is how I have been....I feel like I'm being robbed off with "oh it's anxiety related" it's very frustrating. 
    mom due to speak to cardiologist next week....

    like you all my bloods came back normal and ecg. I have had no x ray yet though 

  • I have very similar issues and it is very scary I have constant tight chest had blood test had ecg just get told it’s anexity.
  • I am having the same issues had the same test but had x ray waiting on that now as I was unhappy with the treatment had this problem since September just get told it's anexity. But it puts your life on hold as it never seems to go away plus a read google which makes you worse 

  • I still get the pains now they can come at anytime sat playing with my kids. Chilling out watching tv. I try to change my mind processing all these pains then bang I feel like I can't breath properly that is the anxiety side of it. I did speak to a cardiologist in the end and they put it down to musculoskeletal pain and they gave me some antacids to see if that helps but nope it's still there lurking waiting to strike at any moment. I didn't get great feed back from the cardiologist I got told that he didn't think it was angina which made me feel worse as it's not a definitive no.I have gone from being me to completely someone different the only time I start to feel a bit normal is after a drink but I don't want to go down that road. Eg drinking to forget about my pains as it's temporary and they come back even worse whilst hungover big time. I hope you get the answers you are looking for Zoe34 and get your chest pains sorted. 

  • I have had the exact symptoms since may 2020. In and out of a&e numerous times, I get on off chest pain, neck pain, heart racing, like a wave coming over me just not feeling right, ears popping and feeling like I'm going to faint. I've had ecgs, bloods, heart scans and chest x-rays and they've all come back completely normal (I'm currently taking beta blockers). I recently spoke to another GP who believes in having panic/anxiety attacks and is going to start me on anti depressants next week I'm hoping this is just the case even tho I'm not feeling anxious etc. I have 4 children and I'm a care worker so maybe it is stress? Hopefully get these meds going and if they don't work then I want more answers.

  • After starting talking therapy mine is down to stress losing my house my partner having to have a emergency c section then losing my job I would recommend going down that route as well mind is a great charity and I'm doing cbt cognitive behavioural therapy. To change my thought process. I have tried antidepressants last year during the first lockdown sertraline they didn't agree with me one bit but they can work for other people. I have to accept that what the cardiologist has told me there is nothing wrong with my heart and that I'm ok. Being a care worker is a hard job. now even harder due to this pandemic I take my hat off to you. Try to find something to take your mind off of it a walk with the kids music is a big one for me that helps a lot. 

  • Thank you I'll look into that. Yes me too accepting there is nothing wrong is kinda hard really knowing your body just doesn't feel right :(. I only work part time because children are off school and their father works in the day I actually enjoy it when I'm feeling fine ;). Sertraline is what I'm being prescriped so I'll give them a go.

  • Hey im going through something like this too. I have been really strugglign especially with coronavirus. I was admitted to hospital over the weekend after losing consiousness out of the blue again. I also get these chest pains sometimes and its very frustrating. I have good knowledge of anatomy so i try to figure it out but im not sure. I have been  having numbness in my arms and shoulder now and neck and i was put on omeprazole for stomach problems. I am in so much pain get all my blood work seems normal and i am waiting for an endoscopy. I dont know what to think either atm.

  • Hi ive been getting the same since nov 2019 chest pains left arm back and jaw pain it can happen anytime and atleast 5 times a day palpations i get loads too been hospital so many times ecg and bloods normal then get sent home its driving me insane im 31 with 3 young boys constantly worrying it my heart my mum and all her 4 sisters have had heart attacks by age 45 so have heart problems in family what makes me worry more doctors say they dont think my heart because ive had kids usually pregnancy puts strain on heart and they would know if i had problems then they put me on sertaline now saying panic attacks but i know its not just feel they getting sick of me now and fobbing me off because im young i shouldnt have heart problems so they say the only time i feel normal is if i have a drink too but as u said dont want to go down that route i hope u find out what going on i feel your pain its so worring