Normal blood test and ecg


My name is Charmaine and I am 33 years old. I have been having symptoms on and off since October of last yr. 

I have been having pains and burning in my face, pains on and off in my chest and dizziness. I have had all the routine blood work done and they all came back normal except my folate which was low. I have taken medication for this. 

My chest pains were investigated and ruled as acid reflux again which i take medication for. However I have been dizzy all week and the pains in my chest are still present. My ECG came back normal. 

I am so stressed over it and constantly checking Google for reasons to my symptoms. I have 5 children I am scared to not see grow up. I'm super scared there is something wrong with me my doctor can't see . Help! 

  • Trust me you will get better it does take a while but you will get there I found that exercise helped me a lot I did panic to start off with where my heart rate was racing from pushing myself but I had to tell my self I was fine the doctors are right. There is nothing wrong with my heart cbd oil is good along with cognitive behavioural therapy which really helped me it's trying to work out what is triggered this mine was too much caffeine I was training for the parachute regiment and working skipping meals and one day bam heart pain on a building site that was I thought heart attack and it went on from there. I find certain foods can trigger it like curry red meat and coke (the drink lol.) but trust me you will get there. 

  • Hi Chermaine i thought i will comment after seeing your post.

    Iam 32yrs and was suffering from chest pain for nearly 7 years.

    I had around 10 ecgs done and 4 echo over the years and numerous blood tests. Everything came back normal each time. The chest pain was constant 24/7

    The pains used to feel like having a heart attack i guess, skipped heart beat etc. 

    Untill i saw a consultant cardiologist (paid private) he advised me to take Magnesium citrate 200mg. After taking it for 2 days i have seen instant relief and have not experinced chest pain.

    Sometimes magnesium deficiency can cause chest pains.

    I hope my post can help someone out there as it helped me.

    My gp just tells me to take pain killers.


  • Iam 32yrs and was suffering from chest pain for nearly 7 years.

    I had around 10 ecgs done and 4 echo over the years and numerous blood tests. Everything came back normal each time. The chest pain was constant 24/7

    The pains used to feel like having a heart attack i guess, skipped heart beat etc. 

    Untill i saw a consultant cardiologist (paid private) he advised me to take Magnesium citrate 200mg. After taking it for 2 days i have seen instant relief and have not experinced chest pain.

    Excersise used to make it slightly better.

    Sometimes magnesium deficiency can cause chest pains

    Sorry was a repost but i really want to help people who 

  • Iam 32yrs and was suffering from chest pain for nearly 7 years.


    I had around 10 ecgs done and 4 echo over the years and numerous blood tests. Everything came back normal each time. The chest pain was constant 24/7


    The pains used to feel like having a heart attack i guess, skipped heart beat etc. 


    Untill i saw a consultant cardiologist (paid private) he advised me to take Magnesium citrate 200mg. After taking it for 2 days i have seen instant relief and have not experinced chest pain.


    Sometimes magnesium deficiency can cause chest pains



  • Not to worry, I have similar problems and some of the worry may be adding to the situation.

    You need a endoscopic exam as if you suffer regular reflux this can create a ulcer as did mine. This ulcer then causes chest pain esp when it gets inflamed. In my case the pain can be quite severe as my ulcer became a circumferential ulcer I.e went the whole way round the gi tract at the top of my duo denum.

    If a full blood count was carried out and your iron hg levels were fine then you are OK. In my case I lost 4 pints of blood due to a small bleed somewhere most likely from one of my ulcers. A low iron level would cause you increased weakness and dozzyness. Esp postural dozzyness I. E when you get up from sitting and you may even feel like your going to pass out.

    Stress and anxiety can also make you feel the way you do I suggest that you buy a smart watch with heart rate monitor and you will Lilley see that your pulse rate rises to 110 and above when you are stressed and just sitting down compared to 70-80 this helps by providing positive feedback in that you see that your pulse is high which results in flushed hot face and sysptoms like you have run a mile palpitations etc this the helps you to see you have to relax and knowing that you are not suffering a heart attack etc helps esp when you get used to sati g it's because I'm stressed anxious and then your pulse drops normally I try to empty my mind and concentrate on breathing taking a deep breathe in and the slowly breathing it out whilst putting my attention on my breathing. Once you learn to control this it helps a lot. But as I suggest you should consider asking for a endoscopic exam if you have persistant reflux and the feeling of a sore lump or burn g in your chest area or above. It is a matter of discounting certain things and knowing your ecg should help as we know its not your heart that is the problem. My ulcer was so bad they wanted to cut it out in a major op. I instead refused this as it meant I needed 2 feeds to 2 organs rerouted by removal and replacement else where. I instead healed myself in part by taking a good quantity of gaviscon whenever I had reflux. My ulcer was so bad that they could not get the endoscope through the appiture it left but as I healed it and there was now just a stricture they carried out a push endoscopy and they found 5 other strictures where ulcers used to be. I now control my condion myself and it shows that you can change things if you want to by being aware of them. Whilst your position is not like mine you need further investigations. Anxiety is a major source of symptoms and unfortunatly itself causes acid reflux and symptoms as was the source of my problems they also due to my insistance to carry out proper investigations found I was a ceoliac with a gluten allergy. This condition was the source of my malabsorbtion of nutrients due to the flattening of stomach cilia and my foliate level drop as well as low iron levels was initially blamed on this prior to ulcers appearing.My experience is that stress is blamed by professionals for many things and this can cloud their views but your destiny is in your hands and if necc suggest tests like endoscopy. 

  • Hello, can you tell me how you got on please with this health concern? Thankyou. I have the same symptoms 

  • I am almost 32 I have been having exactly the same going dizzy now and again then I started to get numbness in my arm then in my face and sharp pain in my heart having palpitations I went to a&e and my ecg was all fine bloods all fine they couldn't really explain what was going on said maybe stress and anxiety as I have 3 children with disabilities and have a lot going on right now she put me on low b-blockers told to take vitamin D they are sending me for more blood tests and doctor told me no more caffeine for 10 days and note down when I get symptoms easier said than done with 3 children with extra needs I can just about keep up with there appointments and therapys always put myself last as you do I also feel like I don't even know what to do it's so worrying and I think worrying about it makes it all worse I have also had blocked ears nasal congestion I think the ears is what is coursing my dizziness 


  • I'm 17 and been same I kept having chest pains after my first panick attack and it's been over 2 months and they still aren't away I felt like it was a heart attack and went to a&e and doctors appointments I had ecg done,bloods done,chest x-ray done and all was fine I'm on naproxen to  help my chest but I still worry so much that I'm going to have a heart attack I always feel a numbness or sharp pain in my arm and worry about it same with my chest and other symptoms it's so hard going on with everyday worrying you dying or going to no matter how much reassurance I get. I get to told its anxiety but I honestly don't know because the pain is so frustrating and I've always had anxiety and never suffers with pain

  • Hi seen ur comment and have to ask. I have been suffering anxiety at the point now I cant be left alone or go out I have constant lightheadedness and for past 6-8 weeks I have constant tight heavy chest and feel like a need 2 deep breathe sometimes to get a breath. When u said u have had constant tight chest is it there all the time and how long u have it. I also have been in n out ov a&e 7 times now ecg and bloods normal chest n lungs clear they said. Thanx

  • The brain can trigger very strange things if you're anxious.  I ended up in A and E a few weeks ago with the exact same symtoms as others on here, chest pain, racing heart etc, this was preceded by days and nights of racing heartbeat. Had the ECG and bloods and all fine. You have to truly believe what the doctors say and you will feel better, its the anxietyand not believing that is causing the constant symptoms. I get an aching back that is always worse when i worry about it, its like the brain is a trigger, you think of it and the trigger creates the symptom. If the docs have told you your heart is fine and its anxiety you have to believe them. Trust what they say. It's anxiety.