Swollen right tonsil, ear feels blocked

Please can someone help me relax. I'm absolutely terrified as for the past 3 weeks my right tonsil is visibly swollen and my right ear feels blocked. Two rounds of antibiotics and still no change. Throat is not sore and no other cold/flu like symptoms. 

Doctor assured me its viral and will go away on its own...but I'm worried sick

  • Hey Sophia

    I had visited the GP after my worries over the swollen tonsils. He said the same thing as you. Do not worry. Mine got down with time. If it gets bigger you need to see the GP. It can be the reactive glands that gets active giving signs of an infection.

    Do not panic. Give time. Hope it is not anything serious. 

    Get well soon.


  • Hi,

    I had right ear slightly blocked for a few months now but it never even occured to me to check tonsils, always thought I just damaged it with headphones/loud music. About two months ago my throat really hurt for few days then went away and never returned. One tonsil still swollen and I also hear slight ringing in my ears, GP said i have wax in my ears and cleaned it with water injection and gave me lemsip. I fear the worst I was kind of thinking it will go away on its own but it seems the rining only goes louder, need to visit GP soon I guess..

  • Hi


    I have similar symptoms. About 4 weeks ago I felt like I had a foreign body in mouth. It was annoying me so I went to the GP.

    He prescribed antibiotics and said it's an infection. 1 week later and still no relief I stupidly used Doctor Google. Google made me feel like I was a goner. A week later

    I tried to use my finger to dislodge whatever it was and felt a small round lump. I instantly thought the worst. I contacted GP and demanded an appointment.

    My GP looked again and said my right tonsil is enlarged. He gave me a 2 week referral to the ENT.

    I went the ENT this week. The specialist had a good look with camera up nostril and said he couldn't see anything sinister but he wants an MRI scan completing and he is going to extract the tonsil after the scan. He did say the symptoms are similar to cancer but its treatable.

    I am imagining the worst case scenario. My emotions are everywhere. I am 44 year old Male who has never smoked and only drinks at the weekend.

    My throat is sore and ear feels like it's under pressure. I have minor tinitus anyway. But the ringing feels worst.

    I have taken 2 courses of antibiotics and they are helping but not curing when they run out my throat feels sore.

    I have to book the MRI scan on Monday so hopefully I will get that soon. The anxiety of waiting is hard. These posts attached do help. 

    I only posted so anyone else can see my journey. Hopefully it may help


  • Hi did you get your results for your MRI? Hope everything was okay? Iv been having pain in my left tonsil and my ear. But I did have a cold and sore throat a week ago so I’m doing my best to ignore it for now 

  • Hi sorry for the late response.

    Thankfully my MRI scan came back clear. I had a tonsillectomy just before Christmas. The procedure was straightforward. It was uncomfortable for 6 to 8 days after.

    I have just been informed the biopsy was clear so I am really happy. The NHS were amazing. It is a really horrendous time waiting for results, but thankfully I have been discharged.


    I hope you are ok. I am the worst worrier in the world. All my sleepless nights now mean nothing. Try not to worry about things you can't control.



  • Hi, I've come across this post..  I have a swollen tonsil one side and blocked ear/sinus one side for 4 weeks. Waiting for an ENT appointment. Feeling very worried. I would appreciate it if you could let me know how things turned out with you. Thankyou 

  •   hi see above message xx

  • I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms Husky88, and for the worry they are causing.

    I noticed you were hoping to get an update from alwaysworried. Unfortunately they haven't been on the forum in a while and the last time this discussion was active was over 3 years so you may not hear back from them.

    I will keep my fingers crossed that won't be the case, but if you don't receive a reply, then you're welcome to reach out to others on more recent discussions about this topic or start your own discussion.

    We're thinking of you Husky88 and will have our fingers crossed your ENT appointment comes through soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

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