First haematology appointment UPDATE


the doctors have referred me for an urgent appointment. I was just wondering what the procedure would be? Had blood tests done and they showed I was anemic. 


in my appointment the dr asked about my medical history and examined the lumps. Had blood tests done and he said he was going to reffer me for a CT scan and that I should receive the letter in the post. He also said I will see him again in three weeks? When looking at his papers I noticed he had written Lymphadenopathy and weight loss??

  • Hello Lukasz79 and thankyou for posting on Cancer Chat.

    When people find out that they have a health problem often one of the first things that they think about is if it is bad and if it might shorten their life. So I do understand why you are worried. But I cannot tell you much about your illness and how long you might live as I do not have the full details of your health. I also don't know the name of your health problem. All I know is that it is a problem with your blood and probably your red cells.  So you need to ask your own GP or your blood specialist (haematologist) about how  long you may live. They have all of your health information and are the only people who can answer this question.

    It may help to know that many blood diseases, including some blood cancers, can be very slow growing and they can be treated to keep them from getting out of control. So it is possible to have a blood cancer and live for almost a normal length of time and into old age.

    If you have the type of blood cancer that causes only your red blood cells to be very high this might be a condition called polycythaemia vera (PV). But from what you have told me I am only making a guess that you have this and I could be wrong. People can live a very long time with PV.

    I am sorry that I cannot tell you more. If you have any other questions please get back to us.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
