Ultrasound next week - lump in neck

I have had a hard pea-sized lump in my neck for over a year now - my girlfriend has recently made me go to the doctor as she's worried. I've also been having night sweats, loss of hearing in my right ear / tinnitus, and I'm just generally exhausted. I'm a fit and healthy 27 year old.

I've had blood tests to show there isn't an infection, so have been referred to the hospital (ENT unit) for an ultrasound.

I suppose I'm posting because I'm just very worried and I don't want to keep putting those worries onto my friends / family (so on you lot instead haha!).

Obviously whenever I put my symptoms into Google, it keeps coming back to the same diagnosis - Lymphoma. 

Just looking to vent / talk about similar experiences - thanks in advance.

  • Did you get an answer? I hope you are ok!

  • Hi just wondering what outcome was due to my husband having exact the same . 

  • Hi everyone I'm 21 and noticed a small pea sized lump on n my jawline directly under my chin yesterday. I rang the doctors and they did not sound concerned however referred me for a scan without seeing me face to face - not sure if this is purely down to COVID or not but I've never been referred for a scan just from a telephone consultation before. I've not had any symptoms of illness so im convinced it's something more sinister than swollen glands. I've been feeling the lump since and it now feels like there are two, one being slightly to the right of the other and very slightly higher up however I don't know if I am just making myself paranoid by feeling it too much and actually feeling the same one I'm not sure how long I will be waiting for the scan for but I am so nervous and constantly anxious as of course when you Google these things there's few things that come up but the most common are lymphoma or throat cancer

  • Hi honey98 

    How is it going? I'm new to this site but saw your message and wanted you to know you're not alone with these kind of thoughts. Have you had any news on when your diagnostic appointment is? Google is terrible for making you guess what you may or may not have, I completely relate to that!

    Best wishes

  • Hello, do you mind me asking how you got on? I've had pea sized lump for a couple of months now, just booked in for blood tests and  ultrasound, but the waiting is horrible. Mine has grown at points, and been painful sometimes. Thanks x

  • Hello! My bloods and ultrasound were all clear luckily. They think it was an enlarged lymph node. Although it can happen, any small lump around the jaw line area is less likely to be anything sinister and more likely lymph nodes I was told. If you feel about in that area you will always find lumps, I think once I noticed mine it then appeared more prominent. Where abouts is yours? I am still getting constant sore throats which I thought may be linked but as they were not not concerned about the lump they're now investigating the sore throat separately. Fingers crossed your bloods and scan come back ok! The waiting is the worst part but atleast you're a step closer now and are getting things checked out 

  • Oh thanks so much for getting back so quickly, that's good news all your tests were clear - has it gone away now? Mine was pea sized for a while but then blew up to the size of an olive which is when I went to the nurse last week. Otherwise I am completely well, (although hypothyroid), no sore throat like yours, it's just under the corner of my jaw bone and very close to the surface. Apparently the fact is changing size oftern is a good thing, but the fact it's been there a while more of a concern. I'll just have to sit tight for some results. Hope you get some progress on your sore throat, and thanks for your reassuring response! x

  • Hi there can I just ask what the outcome for you was my partner recently told me he has a lump in his neck under his chin and he's had it for about 6 months!!! It's bigger than a pea hard to touch has nightsweats and alot of sore throats Google brings up the worse I'm rang his doctors for him that very same day and the doctor brought him straight in that day to see him he has now been referred for a ultrasound now just a waiting game for the hospital appointment to come through ive hardlys slept since all of this happened would like to hear what's peoples outcomes were maybe put my mind at ease I don't know can't even think straight at the minute with worry :(

  • Oh sorry to hear that, it's so worrying isn't it. I had a pile of blood tests then my ultrasound and thankfully all good,. They said it was just a swollen lymph node, probably to do with another mild infection I'd had rumbling rumbling ages but wasn't even aware of ( I think I'd had mine for about 5 months by the time I had the ultrasound) . Of course, a couple of weeks after the ultrasound it finally started to shrink and has now gone completely. So could be that this is the lymph node/immune  reaction to the sore throats?

    Good luck, I hope you get a good outcome too xxx