Colonoscopy without sedation

Hi everyone, I’m writing this to reassure anyone that may be going for a colonoscopy and is wondering what the the prep is like, how does it feel and what to expect.

I went to the GP with changed bowel habits and some blood in my stool, she referred me down the two week cancer route, so I was scheduled for a colonoscopy within a fortnight after my initial consultation as I had similar symptoms as a person with bowel cancer would have.  Now I’m a 32 year old female so it’s unusual for someone of my age to have bowel cancer as a rule of thumb it usually affects older people (not always the case but you may take some comfort in that!), even knowing that I was still petrified why they had sent me down this quick cancer route - did they know something I didn’t, I was really worried about it to a point I nearly cancelled the whole thing - ignorance is bliss and all that!

I didn’t cancel, I got given my prescription for the MoviPrep collected it and arranged the time off with Work.  Now my appointment was at 2pm, so the day before I ate as normal, avoided red meat, and kind of stuck to the guide they gave me.  I was meant to stop eating at 1pm the day before and I was literally cramming a chicken baguette into my mouth at the last minute.  I got home around 5ish and began my prep at 7pm, I had a split dose, one litre the night before and one in the morning.  Now I’ve heard real horror stories about MoviPrep, and let me tell you I didn’t experience any.  The taste really isn’t that bad, it’s a bit like salty lemon, I wouldn’t go buy it from a shop if I had the choice, but it’s really not that bad, I just chugged a glass of it every 15 mins until the litre was gone.  Now then even after 3 hours I only had one bowel movement and that was it.  I had a bit of stomach cramp (it does make you bloated!) and I went to bed with the idea in my head to call and cancel in the morning if the second lot of prep didn’t work!  The bonus with MoviPrep is it fills you up so you’re not hungry either, I went to bed woke up at 6 and began my second litre, now during the second litre is when movement began to happen.  For me I found it easier to just sit on the toilet for a solid hour, I didn’t get any stinging as some people do, but by the end when you know the MoviPrep has done it’s job it is literally like having a wee through the other end where nothing but clear liquid comes out.  Now I was concerned because I didn’t get rid of that much and still  convinced it hadn’t worked, but reset assured it had worked and I just didn’t have a lot in my bowel in the first place! 

The moviprep finished about 8:30am then I started to get hungry around 9:30am.  By then everything is out and you’re just waiting, I wasn’t allowed water after midday so I kept my stomach full by drinking plenty of water!  On a side note prior to no liquids and during the time of no food you can have clear liquids, so I treat myself to a glass of white wine (not red it’ll stain your bowel and may be mistaken for blood) the night before. So all in all the prep wasn’t bad.

I arrived at hospital for my appointment, waited 30 mins saw the nurse who explained everything checked my vitals that I’d had my prep, no food or water etc. I then get handed these shorts with a opening in the back, get changed into them, put my pants back over the top and wait again, I reckon by 3pm the doctor came out, introduced himself, went through the consent and asked if I wanted sedation (I didn’t) and said when you’re ready come in. 

So I went in, took my pants off, they keep everything under your bed, there’s a monitor so you can watch and nurses there checking your vitals etc.  So they hand me Entonox (gas and air) and insist you take 5 breaths before starting so you know how to use it, after 5 I was already light headed.  So this is where it begins, you can feel it; it’s uncomfortable and rightly so as it’s not a daily occurrence but it was not painful, at some points especially the corners you can feel it, he asked if I could lie on my back at some point and my front to make the camera round into smaller corners, and the sensation I imagine (I don’t have kids) would be what a baby kicking would feel like.  In total it lasted 30 mins, I was watching and chatting to the nurses during it, I think I hit up the Entonox 3 more times (singular times) but that was it and I probably could have done without it.  So rest assured it is not that bad at all, now everyone’s pain threshold is different and all bowels are different so it may be more difficult to navigate through other ones.  But if you’re scared about it and in debate over sedation then I hope this eases your mind a bit!  I think the Entonox would be sufficient enough for me it was anyway.  So we’re at the end, during he says the moviprep worked really well, had a clean bowel and there was no anomalies, they didn’t find anything what so ever!  He explained that he’s taken routine biopsies as he may expect to find a minimal trace of IBS but that’s it, and that can be remedied with diet.

Afterwards they wheeled me out into the recovery ward, I get dressed straight away, go sit down to a glass of water and cheese and crackers (the best cheese and crackers I’ve ever had after 28 hours not eating!).  They do say if your bowel is full of air release it as it’ll cause discomfort later on, now I know during the procedure he was pumping air in for a better view so i was expecting some, but nothing.  I felt 100% fine just hungry and thirsty.  After 30 mins the nurse went through my report, explained a few things, asked how I felt, checked my vitals and I was free to go.  You can drive after, I went home had a pizza, drinks and went to bed.  Woke up fine the next morning and went back to work.  I had no discomfort afterwards, I wasn’t in any pain it was like it never happened.

As I said everyone is different, but I read so many horror stories before mine which probably didn’t help prior to having mine, but if you’re trying to scour the internet for information as I was I hope this helps! Any questions just ask!

  • I have had both gastroscopy and colonoscopy (twice) last year. Gastroscopy was quite unpleasant but brief and with no pain whatsoever. Colonoscopy was uncomfortable with a few twinges of pain, but the Entonox dulled the edges of it and made me quite relaxed. At one point, they had to tell me to stop breathing quite so much of it because I became a little giggly!

    I can understand why you would not want both procedures on the same day but at least you would have both sources of worry out of the way.

  • Hi Annie

    Glad I read your post as this helped me decide what I should do , this is my experiance


    I am a 51 year old male who is not good when having to go to hospital for any treatments. I visited by doctor due to weight loss, I had blood samples taken and had to provide 2 stool samples ,one of them  contained blood so they referred me to have a colonoscopy. This was a very frightening for me, I was nervous the whole wewek running up to the colonoscopy, should I have sedation or gas and air, My appointment was at 9am in the morning so I had to stop all intake of food from 3pm the day before the examination. They gave me plenvu to drink 1st sachet at 6pm 500ml and then 2nd dose at 9pm . Having read various reviews I wasnt sure how it would be for me, I mixed the first sachet with 500ml of water and drank it over the 30 minute period, the taste was ok it had a mango taste to it, I held my nose so I couldnt taste it fully then drank plenty of water with each mouth full, I was waiting for the bowels to open but after 2 hours nothing happened, 9pm time for second sachet this was a different taste more of a fruity taste not bad but again held my nose whilst drinking it again plenty of water with each mouthfull , This was harder to get down than the first sachet but it had to be done, Again no bowel movements in the first hour, the second sachet did make me fell a little sickly but nothing too bad wasnt sick, After about 2 hours I felt like I needed to go to the toilet and yes the sachets had started to work and my bowels started to empty , mainly just liquid coming out, You can control it and you know when its time to go to the toilet, Went to bed and only had to get up once in the night to use the toilet, 6,45 wake up call as this gave me 15 minutes to have my last drink of water as you can not have anything to drink 2 hours prior to having the colonoscopy. All the time I was feeling very nervous and didnt want to go through with it but I knew this had to be done. 

    Arrived at the hospital the waiting room was full , I had my wife to support me as she knew how nervous I was, After 45 minutes my name was called out panic set it , the nurse asked variuos questions and explained the proceedure and then asked did I want sedation or gas and air, she informed me that If I choose gas and air but I could ask for sedation at any point through the proccedure, she then inserted the canular this is normal practice because if they need to carry out any other proceedure whilst they are examining they are prepared for it. The nurse then took me to the changing room to get ready again very nervous , got undressed from waist down and put on the paper shorts that they provided and just sat waiting to be called in. After 20 minutes the surgeon came in and went through what he was going to do and then to sign the consent form. This was it in I go there was 3 lovely nurses in the room that made me feel very comfortable I laid on the bed the nurse showed me how to use the gas and air if I need it . Time to get started the surgeon explained what was going to happen and off we go, to be honest not sure why I was so nervous as this was pain free a little uncomfortable at times when the camera was going round the bends so a little puff on the gas and air di the trick, it was very interesting to watch the camera moving around , My stomach had a slight dull ache at times but that was all, 20 minutes later all done and time to get dressed and go home .

    WOW what a great feeling knowing it was all over , no sedation so it meant I could go home straight away.  So anybody reading this I want to reassure you that if I can have it done and feel no pain then anyone can , Looking back being nervous for nearly a week wasnt worth it, If anything drinking the plenvu was worse than having the colonoscopy done. A big thankyou to the Surgeon and the nurses as they made this an easy journey. So all of you who read this rest assured you will be fine and NO nead to worry, hope this has helped you  All the best

  • Hi there, I too suffer with heath anxtitiy and depression, I'm worried sick about getting the colonoscopy done, I too was meant to have this done 2 years ago, but I kept putting it off, I have a rare blood conditions called systemic mastocytosis that means I have to much histamine in my body, I'm meant to be having my colonoscopy in two days time, thanks in advance for any answers 

  • Hi Leah

    Like you I was very apprehensive about having a colonoscopy but I have to say my thoughts were far worse than the actual procedure. A nurse was standing by my side the whole time chatting to me and yes there was a slight discomfort whilst the Dr was going around the bends but that only lasted a second or two. To be honest the worst part for me was the liquid beforehand. In the blink of an eye you'll be sitting up in bed with tea and biscuits feeling very pleased with yourself. 
    Hope it all goes well for you Leah, if there's anymore you'd like to know just say.

  • I have had both, sigmoidoscopy didn't have any sedation or gas and air. The colonoscopy I was given gas and air, I used it a bit, the doctor told me when she was coming to a turn or a bend and advised to use it then, I did, but think could have managed without. I was say it was a bit uncomfortable that's all. I would opt for just gas and air if I ever needed it again. X


  • How lovely to read about your positive experience. I am due a colonoscopy tomorrow afternoon and will go for no sedation, I think. I've had sedation free gastroscopies and they were fine.
    thank you for your well written piece  


  • I was very interested to read your experience of colonoscopy. I think you're correct when you say everyone is different and every bowel is different. Having had two children with no pain relief, I thought I had a fairly high pain threshold. Friends who had had colonoscopies tried to prepare me by suggesting the use of gas/air and sedation but I just assumed I'd be ok, which I was for the first 10 minutes. After that the pain just increased to an almost intolerable level, even using the gas and with sedation through the cannula. It was a very traumatic experience despite the wonderful staff and surgeon. It was followed by a gastroscopy which was uncomfortable but mercifully short..

    I wouldn't want to put anyone off having these procedures. They can be life savers ( thankfully, I had no problems apart from diagnosing diverticulosis) but I wish I'd known how painful it was going to be for me, so I could have opted for the sedation straight away.  


  • Wow this post is just what I'm looking for..


    after a long time of blood in my stool and researching symptoms online. I went doctors who referred me to hospital to have checks but due to covid nothing was booked and i was told when something becomes available it will be all via phone. 

    so to my surprise I get a call today after my referral being in August. I'm booked in for colonoscopy this Friday 8am and on Wednesday I'll have to do a covid test and pick up the prep drugs i guess. Luckily work have given me rest of week off. Meant to be collecting my new car Friday afternoon. I know if I go sedated that will not be happening. So I'm going unsedated and I'm interested to watch the images from the camera.

    im 29 and very proud, would like to think I'm young healthy and tough, but I'm nervous. I don't do hospitals I don't do any drugs for headaches or other things. I just try to let things sort themselves out naturally. So hearing going without sedation should be fine, gives me life. I know my mood could change drastically as the week goes on, and nerves kick in. I'm just confused at why suddenly do they want me to book in, as soon as possible. 

    fingers cross all is well but thanks for above comments. Now going to research best diet to have going forward.

  • Hello Da. I understand your feelings but if I were you, I would not plan on doing much for the rest of the day. No-one can tell how you will be feeling afterwards. You may well find the Nitrox inadequate & have to be sedated anyway, which will mean driving a vehicle could be a risky business. There are times we just have to accept that some things are beyond our control & just take it easy of the rest of the day.

  • Just remember, everyone: each of us is an individual & you will not necessarily react in the same way as others have.  I say this with the benefit of hindsight, after last week's excruciating experience, having read of others' sedation-free & painless colonoscopies.

    I had a sedated colonoscopy ten years ago, & can say I actually enjoyed it..... I have fond memories of watching the colourful on-screen swirlings!  But this time, unsedated, I was almost hanging off the edge of the operating table: desperate to escape the agony.  The entonox did not help, & as a result, the consultant did not reach the ileum, at the end of the bowel.

    On the plus side, I had 2 polyps removed, & that was painless.  And I admit to feeling rather smug after the event, not experiencing the grogginess of other patients.

    I have gone through childbirth twice (the second time with twins) & have to say, the pain experienced last week brought back sharply the agonies of childbirth (all those years ago!)

    ps (To illustrate that I'm not a wimp): I usually opt to go without anaesthetic when having a filling.

    To all of you: good luck, & be well.