Cervix abnormalities, Urgent referral


Im in a terrible state after being given an urgent referral to a gynaecologist. Last week during a routine smear test, the nurse said she could see an abnormality above my cervix. She stated it looked like a reddish/purplish blood blister. She immediately telephoned the surgery’s GP who specialises in ‘women’s health’ & she agreed to free up an apt for today.

Follwing examination the GP said she could certainly see what the nurse had described & that it bled easily upon examination. The GP examined me further & said she could feel abnormalities across the whole surface of my cervix. The leaflet I was given about my 2 week urgent referral states it is because my symptoms or examination could indicate cancer.

She asked me if there was any family history of cervical or breast cancer, which there isn’t. I had an abnormal smear, CIN 3, apx 20yrs ago, but following treatment for this, my smears have always been normal.

Im terrified, I have two little boys & my mind is running away with me. Does anyone have any experience of these symptoms or any advice? Thankyou to you all xx

  • Hello Casey,

    I haven't been on this forum for some time, so apologies for not replying  to Mandypoo77 who posted a while back.

    I know that there's nothing else you can think of when you are told of "abnormalities ".

    I hope that I can offer some reassurance as far as an alternative outcome to what we all fear.

    I went for a routine smear & the nurse stopped & asked if I'd had any problems. She explained that she could see an abnormality that was bleeding. She asked me to get dressed whilst she rang through to a GP. I was told to come back a week later. 
    When I returned a week later, the GP said not only could she see what the nurse had seen, but she could see & feel abnormalities all over the surface of my cervix. She immediately asked if there was cervical or breast cancer in my family & said what she had seen was very suspicious! She was very matter of fact. She took me through to a room where I was given paperwork for a 2 week referral & a leaflet explaining the reasons why. I was distraught.

    I couldn't eat or sleep and after spending time on google I was convinced I had advanced cervical cancer. I cried myself to sleep most nights fearing for my young children.

    Fast forward to my apt with the specialist. An absolutely fantastic team who could see how distressed I was. She examined me & Immediately told me that the "abnormalities " were absolutely nothing to worry about & that it was certainly not cancer. She said I had a blood blister & the surface of my cervix was normal!

    She carried out bloods & an ultrasound at a later date for complete confirmation, all of which showed no cervical issues.

    I hope you're apt comes through soon & I wish you all the very best xx 

  • Thanks so much for your reply and it's lovely to hear a positive story! I think when they say "urgent" referral it's hard not to worry isn't it. My smear last sept was negative for HPV so I'm trying to focus on that and tel myself it's unlikely to be advanced cancer. It's all the waiting around. My auntie passed away two weeks ago to breast cancer two weeks ago so I'm also grieving x

  • Hey

    I know I'm joining an old thread but I'm 26 and I just had a smear and my nurse said she could see something abnormal on my cervix, something 'pushing down'. I have had HPV on my two previous smears but no cell changes and one last year.

    i am naturally absolutely terrified, I have had no other symptoms and I'm trying not to worry but now after googling I have convinced myself I have advanced cervical cancer.


    just looking for some reassurance on here cause I'm absolutely terrified- this appointment couldn't come soon enough.



  • I'm in the same situation. Had my smear on Tuesday and the nurse couldn't see my cervix as there was bleeding on contact. Called a GP in and he said the same and that it looks 'inflamed' and I needed an urgent referral.

    I'm absolutely beside myself with worry. 

    I hope you have your appointment soon and that all is ok, it's terrifying isn't it xx

  • Hi Jcro


    I’m sorry to see you are so worried. You say you have no symptoms other than the fact that something has been spotted on your cervix. I hope you have an appointment soon to get an explanation. However if it can put your mind at rest a little, advanced cervical cancer would absolutely have symptoms-I’m speaking from experience here! Pelvic pain, bleeding..and many others are typically present with this cancer when it is advanced. 


    I would suggest you avoid googling-it will scare the life out of you and not be relevant to your own situation. Please keep in touch, and if I can help let me know-I’ve had cervical cancer twice. 

  • Hi 

    I am new to this and hoping for some support x I have for the last 2 months been having my periods every 18 days, I am 45 upon inspection the GP said they could see a red/purple ring around my cervix, she did a smear and urgent referral to coloscopy xx any advice would be great as am so worried 

  • Hi all


    Sorry to post on an old thread but I'm really scared and didn't know where to start.


    Around 2 weeks ago I started with bad back pain and at the same time some bleeding. The bleeding was not like a period and went on for around 10 days.


    I have been to the doctors and they have said there is a hard lump on my cervix and put me on a 2 week referral. My appointment is Thursday.


    I've had problems with my back before and the pain is similar so I had put it down to that and my periods have been irregular for some time but now I've read (stupidly googled) that cervical cancer has no symptoms until it advances to other areas, at which point irregular bleeding and back pain are the symptoms.


    I have had anxiety around death and health concerns for many years so this has hit me hard and I just keep crying.


    Has anyone had anything similar and it's turned out to be fine?


    Thanks xx

  • Hi


    Please don’t consult doctor google! It is 100% inaccurate to say that cervical cancer has no symptoms until it advances to other areas. The first time I had this cancer, I had plenty symptoms and it hadn’t spread anywhere. It’s good you have an appointment to be seen as you really need a gynaecologist to investigat. Abnormal bleeding and back pain can be symptoms, but equally may be something else. Good luck with your appointment. x

  • Hi


    Thanks for replying. I know I shouldn't Google but it's something I've done for years. I have awful health anxiety and am forever convincing myself I have all sorts of illness and disease. Usually the symptoms are in my head and eventually the anxiety goes until I'm anxious about something else. I take medication for my mental health but doesn't stop the thoughts and behaviours as much as I'd like.


    What symptoms did you have if you don't mind me asking. My back pain is lower left and centre and goes down left leg, it's like sciatic pain which I've had on and off for years so wasn't overly concerned about that until I read it can be a symptom.


    My last smear was 2 years ago and was fine, I'm telling myself that's a good sign and it's probably not worst case scenario. Can't believe you've had it twice. Hope you are doing well now xx


  • Hi there


    I hope you don't mind me butting in but your story is almost identical to mine!  I went to the GP today as over the course of 24hrs I have had pain in my left abdomen/groin and it was getting worse.  The GP wanted me to see if it settled down but I had to kind of insist on being seen as I coldn't stand the pain much longer.  She was very nice and thorough but then started talking about "urgent USS", "colposcopy", "bloods, including screening for ovarian cancer" etc so now my head is all over the place.  To make things worse, I am a nurse and suffer from (slight) health anxiety!  You have to laugh...


    I don't want to worry my partner by telling him all of this so I left it as it couold be an ovarian cyst - which it could be, I suppose - but I my head is all over the shop.  My smear was clear last year but now I'm convinced my leg pain is advanced cancer as I always race ahead...


    I hope you are OK and please feel free to chat if it helps get things off your chest :)