Subungual melanoma?

Well  is just like to share a little story about what’s going on with me. I am a single mom of 2 kids and I am 29 years old. I am over weight but I have no diabetes. I noticed around a month ago a black mark on BOTH big toes roughly in the same area. Inner side next to smaller toes doesn’t grow out with my nail doesn’t hurt. I went and say my doctor 2 weeks ago and he wasn’t sure what to tell me I went today and the same thing he just doesn’t know 100% what it could be. I even had another doctor come in and look they are both stumped. So now I have to go back in 6 weeks and see what they say again. Has anyone had melanoma on both big toes? Is that something that can happen?


Edited on Friday, 23/02/2018 - 19.55 by Moderator Steph. Photograph removed by moderator in line with terms and conditions


    Hi JoJo,
    I am just catching up on people I haven't heard from for a while and am wondering how you got on when you returned to your GP?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Jenny,

    I am just catching up on people I haven't heard from for a while and am wondering how you got on when you went to the hospital?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi JoJo89

    Ive just been googling answers to the exact same problem with my toenails as you, been almost a year for me now but have been dealing with other cancer related issues and pretty much forgot about the toenails as they are usually painted and it’s only slight discolouration on both big toes.  Have been to GP and after testing confirm no fungal issues so will now show the nails to my London hospital team at my next consultation due in the next couple weeks so will give update once I have more information.  Trauma from shoes to both big toes in exact same place I’m guessing is unlikely!  Fingers crossed  

  • Hi Jola,

    Please can you help me as well, I got faint line on my thumb nail, have been referred to a dermatologist but I am panicking as appointment is not till Friday. Have been already waiting anxiously for 8 Days. There is no pain or changes in the nail as such 

  • Hey so I still get blue on my big toes. My doctors have told me it’s nothing to worry about. I never got any samples taken. I have lost the toenail on the left foot 3 times already. I’ve been diagnosed with  osteoarthritis  And seeing how that goes. My right foot still has a blue mark not sure what else I can do.


    Hi DebRod,

    Welcome to our forum,

    I am glad to hear that your GP has tested for fungal infection and that these came back clear. It is a good idea to show your nails to your  cancer care team.

    Most people find that their feet differ slightly in size, so it is unusual, but not impossible, to damage both toes in exactly the same place. Pop your hand inside your shoe and feel if the nail has left the leather upper slightly stretched above the toe nails.If it has your shoes are too shallow and it could just be bruising.

    Please update us when you find out the cause. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx



    Hi Sadya,

    Welcome to our forum,

    I am glad to hear that your GP has referred you to a dermatologist. Do you also have cancer? If so, it would be a good idea to show your nails to your cancer care team as well.

    I sincerely hope that it doesn't turn out to be anything untoward.

    Please update us when you find out the cause. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi,

    I’ve just posted my own story on this forum and wondered how your diagnosis went. I looked for updates but couldn’t find any.

     Thanks, and I hope you got some good news?

  • Hi Jolamine, apologies for not updating my story :-) So after getting the all clear from my GP for a fungal infection, and my cancer team I was referred to a podiatric physician (foot specialist) who basically said almost definitely it’s shoe pressure on my toe due to my heigh arch - since having two kids back to back (last one a year ago) with the weight gain it seems as though my foots high instep/arch has collapsed slightly therefore pushing my foot forward where my toes touch front of my trainers which I live in! They recommend wearing a bigger size shoe with about an inch in heel height, high heels and flats hurt my foot arch.  I’m now living in Geox trainers and will see in the coming months/year if the bruising goes away.  Will update once I have more information.  Good luck to you all and hope my story helps :)


    Hi DebRod,

    Many thanks for yur update.

    I am so glad to hear that nothing sinister was found with your nails. I omitted to ask if you have had chemo? This can also cause the nails to change appearance.

    I hope that the Geox trainers help to get rid of the discoloration. It could take about 8 months for your nail to grow up, so don't expect to see the change quickly.

    Do please update us.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx