One tonsil enlarged - definitely cancer??

Hi everyone,

First of all I've tried to make this as short as possible and I know only a doctor can tell us for certain, but I really want some reassurance that it might not be cancer so I don't completely breakdown everday over the next two weeks. 

My husband has had issues with a painless lump in his throat since before we met (nearly six years ago). He said it gets better and worse sometimes, but never completely goes away. Twice it has become so large it effected his breathing and he went to the doctor, and both times he was prescribed some antibiotics that made things better but it would always come back. He was also told one tonsil was larger than the other, but that it wasn't worrying. 

Fast forward to now. He has had some issues since we've been together with the lump making him cough at lot beacuse it's irritating his throat (his words!), but in general it has been pushed to the back of my mind. However, a few months ago I noticed my husband was sort of wheezing when he breathed out (breathing in is fine, as is eating) and I have been begging him to go to the doctor about it. He was relutant at first becuase he siad it had been worse than this before, but he finally agreed and we went to the doctor yesterday. 

The doctor commented that, again, one tonsil was much larger than the other and he wasn't sure what it was. He didn't think it was anything to be worried about because of how long he had had it and he wasn't really in an 'at risk' group (he's in his early 40's, no family history and doesn't smoke or drink heavily), but he gave him an urgent referral to an ENT. I panicked when I heard that, but my husband said it wasn't because he was overly concernced and it was just so we wouldn't have to wait months to be seen. He should have a throat scan (? sorry, don't know the correct word!) within two weeks. 

I am so so scared. I have had awful issues with health anxiety in the past and would use Dr Google for everything (I know I shouldn't) - I'm pretty sure I ended up diagnosing myself and my husband with every type of cancer out there! It got really bad and I was barely sleeping so I completely banned myself from Googling anything, which made things a lot better. However, last night I couldn't help myself and every single post about one tonsil being englarged (without pain) said it was tonsil cancer.

I can usualy talk myself out of panicking, but at the moment my conversations are just going: 

"The doctor said it was almost certainly nothing" - "But then why give an urgernt referral" - "To save us waiting months to be seen, he was a great doctor" - "But one tonsil larger than the other without pain is always cancer, he was just being nice and trying to stop you worrying becuase he knows in two weeks he'll be diagnosed with cancer" - "Even if it is cancer it can be treated, remember all the stories online about people who got better" - "Well it's been over six years, it's clearly going to have spread everywhere by now" - ect...

I'm sorry for going on so much. I know only the doctors can tell us for certain what it is, but does it HAVE to be cancer? I can't find anything else other than cancer for his symptoms and I just can't stop worrying. Is there anything else this could be? If it's cancer we'll deal with it, but these next two weeks are going to destory me if I don't have a tiny ray of hope that it might be something less serious. 

Thanks for reading :( 

  • Thank you for great son has sane problem and Dr  Google doesnt help me or my son.he is 17 and has one of his tonsils so big,he also had 2 times tonsillitis in one month,after taking antibiotics 2 times temp gone down but not his tonsil.we will go to see doctor on Monday does help a lot to read this post as there is people with same problem it does help me so thank you for sharing good news does help.

  • Hey, this is late, but no, no CT or MRI, they put a camera up my nose and had a look behind the tonsils. But they couldn't exclude anything with that so decided to take them out.

  • Hello, I am in the same position as lot of people who have posted on here. Been having issues with tonsils for four years. Tonsillitis regularly but just focused on the right side. Have also had lots of minor bouts where no fever but sore throat on one side and feeling tired/ dizzy/ etc. Anyone else feel like that   Went to doctors today and for the first time (have been to ENT clinic five times in last four years) noticed one tonsil is bigger than the other. I'm seeing the specialist again within two weeks. Very nervous as can imagine. Doctor said it is a cancer pathway which doesn't sound good at all. I had blood on my pillow few months ago and went for a round of test at the hosptial. They took blood and gave me the all clear. Hopefully that is a good sign. Any way, reading stories on here made me feel slightly less nervous. Will let you know how it goes. 

  • My right tonsil is also slightly bigger than other. 4 months ago ENT Specialist check with camera and also mri but found nothing. I also have a feeling of something in right side of throat whereas it's much better now but ENT Specialist said you have silent reflux. I kept pushing my GP and last month I was sent for gastroscopy. They said I have 2cm Hiatus hernia and Barrett's esophagus. I was surprised that I had heartburn once in a blue moon. Biopsy results arrived last week and doctor says they are not precancerous cells. 
    it's my advise that if you have feeling of something in your throat always ask your GP to send you for a gastroscopy. 
    I'm still grateful to ENT Specialist. 

  • hi SSH, just wanted to ask how's everything going now? Are you doing fine now and did the doctors find out what the issue was?

  • Hi! I was surprised to get an email about a reply on this post almost two years later :)


    My husband had the MRI and it didn't look like anything sinister, but the doctor offered to remove the tonsils to biopsy to double check and to allow my husband to be able to breathe normally again. We said yes to that and about a year later he had them out. The biopsy came back as 'reactive lymphoid tissue', which wasn't dangerous. Besides a heamorrage leading to ambulance ride and a stay in resus, everything is fine now. I'm glad he had them out as he can breathe again and we know it is nothing to worry over anymore. 

    Hoping anyone coming across this will find some comfort in that!

  • Hi there as like yourself I made the same mistake of googling I too have been urgently reffered and going out my mind its good to know that not everything leads to throat cancer just going to try to stay calm for 2 weeks until my appointment Many thanks for the update

  • Hi,

    i have the same situation as everyone has mentioned above. I had 2 very serious bouts of tonsillitis in December 2019 and February 2020 and since December I have had 1 tonsil much bigger than the other. My tonsil feels achy and is sometimes painful, I also have sharp ear pain. I had one doctor tell me I should wait for 3 months to see how it goes but when I called the doctors about a completely different issue a different doctor asked how my tonsils are and gave me a 2 week other than referral. The phone appt (due to COVID19) was today and the consultant was on the phone to me for 4 minutes, asked me to send him a picture via email then never got back to me.. another weekend of worry! All stories above are making me feel more positive but I had skin cancer last year (age 28) after being told it is very rare in anybody under 50 so after being reassured that tonsil cancer is more common in people over 50 I still fear the worst!

  • Hi Woodsy8701, 


    I wondered if you had any update?? I am in almost the exact same position as you. Two lots of tonsillitis over lockdown, diagnosed over the phone, but i actually think it was tonsil stones (never had them before 4 months ago) After 2 lots of penicillin the pain was still there and it was noted that my left tonsil was enlarged and I was referred to ENT. I saw them Fri and they said it was large and hard and my gland is swollen on the same side. They said it could be a lodged stone somewhere or cancer I'm 34 and absolutely petrified. 

  • Just thought I'd update mine. It wasn't tonsil cancer. Had mri and specialist look at it. Having them out now (as in right now) just in case and because recurrent tonsiltius. I know it is instinct to cataprophrise (I did it) but try not to worry until diagnosis. I'm scared now of having tonsils out. Very scared. Operation is only minutes away. Just wanted to let everyone know was ok. I hope everyone else is ok, if with cancer they come through it.