bleeding for 6 weeks every day non stop

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me as im going out my mind with worry. Ive been on the rigividon pill on and off for years now prob nearly ten years i have just started in the last six weeks bleeding constantly fresh blood every day having to wear pads i bleed after sex,orgasims, going to the toilet just any pressure down there i bleed. I went for a scan today and said they could not see anything. I had a cervical screening smear two yrs ago now just no one or gp seems to listen or understand that this has never been normal for me. Any infor would be good or similar experiences thanks

  • Morning , 

    I was having the same problem , till the point I passed out . 

    I have had to challenge professionals and have not backed down . 

    I requested a scan and explained I was not going home until they had found the cause if bleeding. I said by giving me blood clotting tablet was a short term fix and I was not prepared to go home without an explanation . 

    I was sent for a scan , a fibriod was found 2cm along with smaller in my cervix . If they are inside they cause more severe problems they have a stem that feeds and grows especially if you are on hormones . 

    I explained I was not satisfied it was a fibriod and wanted a biopsy . I have had an appointment made fir this .

    I will be telling them cancer or not I want this removing as it will grow and cause additional problems   they offered hormones which I said why would you give me something that feeds the problem . They said to reduce bleeding . I said once the thing is removed I will consider hormones as it would definitely not make sense and asked them why they had even offered that and that I was not an idiot and I has researched .

    So this is now what's happening .

    It is your body , you need to shout up loud . They respected the fact I had researched so much and would not take any lip service . I will keep on challenging I and was mad stating I am not just a number and I made that very clear I will keep challenging until I'm full satisfied I am clear of anything that will continue to cause illness.  

    I explained I will cost more money me coming backwards and forwards and I would be taking things further as they have a duty of care . 

    So tell them you want a scan and an internal  scan and depending what is found ask for a biopsy . If nothing is found demand a more detailed assessment as you are not satisfied they have found the problem . 

    Your body cannot ovulate 6 eggs in 6 weeks so it is rubbish to say its your cycle it's not .

    The blood is caused by something and its there duty to find it 


  • Hi deb

    I'm practically you

    I got infection in pelvis and the developed sepsis and everything in my body went haywire.i started bleeding from my time in hospital and had smear then hyperscopy biopsy and said that time I had a enlarged womb and thickening.i kept bleeding so they put mirena in.i got severe anaemia and high blood pressure and the mirena took 11months to start working I had a yr and 2 months free of bleeding and it restarted again all in time for start of covid pandemic.i was given progesterone which made me bleed more.i had another hyperscopy done a month ago.alot of blood inside.apparently in biopsy there was fragments of polyps few abnormal cells but nothing to worry about but because of our health system I haven't seen anyone to explain anything to me.ive had another mirena in the other one was in for 2yrs.i had the procedure done a month and I'm still bleeding.back pain headaches and tummy cramps.i feel like I'm goung mad.apparently I'm not perimenopausal what is it.did u ever get to bottom of your bleeding

  • Hi there

    Did u ever get to the root of the bleeding?

    Regards mareee

  • Hi Maree,

    Sadly yes but only after an A&E admission three months later and many negligent misdiagnosis. It turned out I had a rare and aggressive ovarian carcinosarcoma. I have since had two major surgeries, one for recurrence on my spleen picked up 7 months after finishing frontline treatment. More chemo this year but it grew back while on it so I am now incurable. Trying more treatment but not sure that is working and I am currently in hospital again.  Trying to stay positive and fortunate to have support from my family but it has been a difficult ride. If anyone else reads this my message is never let any health professional dismiss bleeding, always force them them to check your ovaries.   The hospital I was at were terrible, despite my best efforts snd my gps I was treated very badly.  They even dismissed ultra sound snd tv scan my dr got which showed a 5.2cm mass in my ovary. They said it was nothing.  I am transferred all my care to a much bigger teaching hospital who picked up the pieces and have treated me well. Bleeding is not just related to uterine cancer but very much to ovarian.  Also, although the first hospital never did a test, my CA 125 was not a marker and even now it remains at less than 5.  So if anyone is worried make sure you get an mri or a Ct scan. 
    I hope you are well Maree and thank you for asking after me. 