bleeding for 6 weeks every day non stop

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same as me as im going out my mind with worry. Ive been on the rigividon pill on and off for years now prob nearly ten years i have just started in the last six weeks bleeding constantly fresh blood every day having to wear pads i bleed after sex,orgasims, going to the toilet just any pressure down there i bleed. I went for a scan today and said they could not see anything. I had a cervical screening smear two yrs ago now just no one or gp seems to listen or understand that this has never been normal for me. Any infor would be good or similar experiences thanks

  • Thanks for posting this. Glad to know it's not just me. Period began end of June and hasn't stopped. Clotting getting worse daily and have to get up several times a night to change pad as am flooding continuously. I have PCOS so clots have always been part of period when it decides to occur but getting worse- if I stand up/sit down/drive/,lie down I end up flooding and it's getting to the point of being embarrassing at work. Initially reluctant to speak to GP as they couldn't diagnose their way out of a paper bag ... But reading posts such as yours makes me realise it's not 'normal' and I need to bite the bullet and get it checked. Had laparoscopy 13 years ago which was horrendous and resulted in golf ball sized cyst removed. Survived emergency caesarean 10 years ago ... So can get over my fears re this right??

  • Hi everyone

    I've been bleeding a little over 6 weeks now. No signs of it slowing down. I have my ultrasound and transvaginal scan on the 28/08 so I will let you know if they pick up on anything. If bleeding continues I will go private to get a ultrasound scan done of my bladder liver etc. Bleeding is heavy compared to my normal periods.. so changing pad daily and massive clots.. it is so sickening. Anyway I'll keep you posted :)

  • Hi all, got my referral through at last for the beginning of sept, I’ve stopped bleeding for the moment but the bleeding lasted 5&1/2 months altogether !!! I can’t cope with that again.  I’m hoping for a microwave ablation to remove the thickness so I hopefully shouldn’t bleed any more & I can stop taking this pill I don’t need to be on that’s driving me crazy. I hope everyone else is getting sorted 

  • This procedure is like a telescope inserted inside the uterus it’s thin with a light attached to see if they can see anything abnormal. As your last post was May I wondered if you have had your constant bleeding sorted yet or not. I am probably a lot older than you. I however had a very similar thing many years ago. Not just the constant bleed but the pain that can go with it. After I saw a gynaecologist. They could not say what was causing it. He said the only thing that they could do was a total hysterectomy. I was 40 at the time. I said let’s go for it, he suggested I think about it, because I had only just turned 40 less than 2 weeks. He also said some women especially if under 60 feel like less of a women. I just looked st him and said to him, just let’s get it done. I certainly will not feel less of a woman. He gave me a strange look as to say I am not sure about that. I was offered counciling. I didn’t bother. I was also told I probably would have a early menopause. I still said let’s get this done ASAP, almost 3 weeks later which I was pleasantly pleased about, anything to stop all the bleeding. After I had, had the hysterectomy done. I went home the next day. The trick there was not to have morphine. I had pethadine instead, morphine is what keeps you in bed feeling rough. Some of the women who had theirs before me. Asked how come I was upstairs and about I told them I refused morphine. I found out after having a sterilisation reversal done how ill morphine can make you. Now obviously I don’t know but as anyone, spoken to you about Endemitriouses it’s where the lining of the womb grows outside of the uterus, it’s a painful also a cause of bleeding.. it can wrap itself around your other intestines. Now one knew I had it until the opened me up, I also had to have one my right ovary removed as well as a full hysterectomy. The right ovary was coved with my womb lining. I was left my left ovary because it was clear. It was removed in other places as well as a total hysterectomy, it one of those things that even today it not until the cut you, that they only find out it’s Endermitriousrs. Even today. I know I wouldn’t change my decision for the world once I had heals I couldn’t have HRT, because of family history of strokes, I also went until I was 53 before I actually started to go through menopause, even then I had to have blood tests to confirm I was menopausal.i only wanted to know because no periods, I just didn’t have a clue. No regrets for me but if not sorted it’s definitely worth mentioning the Endemitrouses ok xxx

  • Just reading these posts. I've been bleeding for the last 6 months having about 2 weeks off in all after having an implant put in. (I've had large clots as well)

    I had a smear about 7 months ago. Do you think I should push for another ? 

    I am currently  fighting for my implant to be taken out and to try the injection instead. 

  • I have read your post and quite honestly. If I was you I would actually demand the implant to be removed ASAP  

    I had the implant and I ended up in agony, after they removed it. They damaged a pelvic bone due to a infection. I say they damaged. The implant had not been fitted correctly like you I had constant bleeding. With the odd week not. It was a nightmare I wouldn't want anyone to go through. So yes get the implant removed. Also get them to check you have no infections that could eat away at the bone as it did in my case. Also ask for a smear text. After you have had your smear you tell them you want one every 6 months, to be on the safe side. When I had my smear it came back with unusual cells. It had to be repeated and I demanded a smear every 6 months. Fortunately you can get a bad smear test for a number of reasons. Mostly down to thrush. That's my opinion Charlotte. Also may I just say because I had a infection that damaged the pelvic bone. Does not mean you will. Also just a little bit more advice you should not be having to fight for the implant to come out. It's your right to havr it removed at anytime. I know you will be wondering how I ended up with a infection that damaged the pelvic bone. It was a tiny leak that had gotten into my body. For some strange reason it settled on the pelvic bone. No one really knows why. The best answer anyone could come up with was. The fact it had not been fitted correctly and the position t had the implant I had mine put into the upper let near my hip. Anyhow good luck. Hope everything goes ok remember it's your body. Demand Marj xxx

  • Hello, 

    That is me in a jiffy! I can't go on like that. Have you had any results from the docs? 

    Greetings from a fellow suffererx

  • hello sounds like you have had it tough, I ended up bleeding for 8 months in total about 20 odd days of that time I didn’t bleed, I’ve just had a microwave ablation done as mine was due to thick womb lining so hopefully this works, I wasn’t ready to go through a hysterectomy even though my mum has one in her 20’s 

    i hope you are on the mend now x

  • Hi all,

    im going through the same thing, I've been bleeding on and off since having my little one just over a year ago, I was sterilised after baby but continued to bleed got referred to a private hospital where my doctor done all sorts of scans,hystercopy with biopsy been taken, she then fitted a mirena coil which for the last 7 weeks I've bleed continuously with clots etc. I seem to have no energy and am being sick constantly been taking norethisterone tablets @8 a day for the last 7 weeks and just bleed through they. I've been referred back to the hospital where there going to remove the mirena coil as my doctor refused to help me, I'm really hoping the hospital can help I'm slowly losing it now.

  • These posts make me sad and worried. I'm about to start into week 6 of bleeding but having read all your posts I can't believe this can continue for soooo long.
    I turned 43 in Sept and have had normal period all my life. I was 12  when I started and that 1 was 2 weeks long. For the last 5 years I'd say my period was 3 days and not heavy. I missed my period in October and figured perhaps I'm starting into the menopause, but going into week 3 of constant bleeding and big clots I went to Doctors. First for swab and bloods and second for vaginal exam. Swab normal and I've had a smear in June this year too, again normal.  Bloods shows raised levels of something to do with estrogen I think. I don't use any contraception and have not done so for at least 10 - 15 years. I've never been pregnant either, and certainly never tried. Waiting now as the doctor to put in for referral for gynaecologist. Even if they find no reason can I still push for a full hysterectomy as I've no need for a womb or ovaries. Or am I just worrying too much? 