Sharp Breast Pain

Hi everyone. For the last week or so, I’ve started to experience a sharp pain in my left breast. It feels like it’s central, in the tissues behind the nipple. It comes on intermittently and suddenly and it a kind of pain that makes you grit your teeth. It’s fine when I move, bend over, turn over in bed without a bra but it’s been triggered by lifting up my daughter, turning to lie on my back and when pressure is applied. I’m 41 and still on the combined pill. I have a history of BC within my family and because of this, had a mammogram in October which was normal. I haven’t noticed any skin or nipple changes.  Has anyone else experienced a pain similar to this and if so, what did it turn out to be? Thank you for taking the time to read.

  • Hello Poppy.  The best thing to do is to go to your Doctor and get yourself checked out.  No-one can diagnose you on here, and IF it is something serious, please remember that time is of the essence.  Good luck. 

  • Thank you for your reply. I’ve been to the GP and he’s referred me into the breast clinic. I have a 9 day wait now. 

  • I’m having the same symptoms, I ended up going to A&E last night as I felt the pain was radiating to the centre of my chest and I was feeling very tight and anxious about it. 
    blood tests and ECG came back clear, but the pain in my right breast is still there and can only be described as the same as yours. (sorta feels the same under the armpit too) 

    I have been to my GP in August about a similar thing and was told it was most likely menstrual pain, but I can’t help but feel it’s forreb worse this time around. 
    Going to call my GP at the end of the week if it’s still not Gomes 

    wishing the best for you x

  • Sorry to hear you are going through this too. When I saw the GP this afternoon, he completed an examination, starting with my right breast to compare it to the one I’m having pain in. He noted an area of tenderness on the outer left side of the nipple but said he couldn’t feel a distinct lump. He said that he wanted to have it checked as I have a strong family history but he tried to reassure me bu telling my that pain is not a common symptom. He said in his 11 years at the surgery, only one person displayed pain. I know some people do, but I’m trying to focus on the positives. Let us know how you get on and wishing you the best of luck xx 

  • Thanks, I’m going to call GP at the end of the week if it’s still here. My period arrived on Saturday, so hoping it leaves with my period, but we’ll see. 

    Keep in touch too and let us know how you get on x

  • just checking in with you; I went to the Drs yesterday and the GP confirmed they could feel a fairly large lump when they did their exam. She said it felt full which she thought meant it was maybe a cyst, but obviously couldn’t confirm that without getting checked. A referral has been put through for me, so hoping everything comes back okay. 
    just so anxious and in quite a bit of pain, taking cocodomal at the moment which is easing it a bit, but yeah, just can’t wait for some answers x

  • Thanks for checking in. Glad you got to see the GP but sorry you’re going through this. Hopefully it’s a cyst like she says. Do you have your appointment date for the breast clinic? I’m going on Wednesday morning. I’ve just been trying to keep busy. The pain hasn’t been as intense over the last few days but I finished my pill pack on Thursday so I’m wondering if it’s linked to that. I’ll let you know how I get on on Wednesday. Hopefully the wait for you isn’t too long too x  

  • How did you get on Poppy? I got my appointment through for next Saturday! Just can’t wait to get it over and done with now and see what’s going on x