Worried about blood results


im worried regarding my blood results, I’ve spoken with my GP today, my platelets were high 600 however these are reducing and are now at 513, however my White cell blood count has risen to 17.7, neutrophil is 14.1, I’m having more bloods next week and have had a chest X-ray today, feel ok in myself apart from fatigue and body pain, should I be concerned? 

  • Hello Deeby67, 

    I just wanted to wish you the best of luck for next week as you are having more bloods taken and I hope that the chest X-Ray went well for you. It can be a worrying time having to go through all these tests but hopefully you will get some clarity soon on what is going on and what is causing these high platelet and white cell blood count. Perhaps you could give your GP a call so that they can help you understand what these results mean? Do mention as well the fatigue and body pain to your doctor that you are experiencing. 

    It's good that all this is being looked into and I am keeping everything crossed for you that you get a diagnosis soon and that things improve for you and you feel less fatigued and in less pain. Other members of our community may have experienced similar issues and I hope that you will hear from others and that they will share their experience with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator