Chest X ray done last week Wednesday. GP has put in a telephone appointment for 30th of September for a review meeting. Scared.

Hi kind people,

I had some lingering cough that showed up when I laughed, or did anything physically strenuous. No mucus, no weighloss nor loss of apetite. Got a GP appointment and the doc immediately referred me to an xray the very same day. This was last week Wednesday. The GP didn't tell me what would be the next steps. I now saw on my NHS app , a telephone appointment has been booked for 30th of September with another GP. I called the surgery and they couldn't give me more details. They say it days on my chart its a review meeting via phone. I am now very anxious and couldn't sleep at all. Its a long wait untill the 30th. If it was something sinister, I hope they would call me immediately and not wait for 4 weeks or so. Or does it mean its an approproximate date since they themselves haven't received the report yet. I am panicking and overthinking. What were your personal experiences? Can someone shed some light? 

  • Hi if it was me I would take it as meaning they believe its some kind of infection and it says to take the anti-biotics if still needed ,when I had my chest xray I'd already done a sputum test and that came back abnormal as a really bad infection that would be hard to get rid of ,although my xray was normal so I've been on antibiotics for 6 weeks and thankfully its all been ok for the last 3 weeks ,so it could something similar what you've got .