Ent referral

I have suffered with what I thought was chronic sinusitis and migraines for a while now. I finally made an appointment with my GP thinking I would be put on steroid treatments then after that given a referral to ent if it didn’t work. However after looking in my nose I was given a 2ww appointment. I wondered if anyone else can tell me what to expect from seeing the consultant? 

  • Hi, I had a blocked nostril, also thought chronic sinusitis, and then lost my sense of smell. I eventually saw GP as it was getting on my nerves, and was referred to consultant. First appointment, consultant put a camera inside my nose, saw some bumpy skin and decided I needed an MRI. It wasn't uncomfortable having the camera in my nose. From GP to MRI was very quick and efficient and everyone was great. Couldn't ask for more really. Unfortunately I do have squamous cell carcinoma in my nasal cavity, but my operation to remove the tumour went well and I start radiotherapy in a few weeks. It's scary of course, but the support I've had has been so good, especially the Macmillan nurse. If there's anything you want to know I can tell you what's happened so far with me, but nasal cancer is rare so hopefully it'll be something else. All the best.

  • Offline in reply to Beepa

    Hi Beepa, thanks for taking the time to reply to me. I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis but pleased your operation went well. Like I said I’ve had chronic sinusitis,migraines and also have a “chemical” smell in my nose that has got worse and the gp found a “mass” , so I have prepared myself that it could well be sinus cancer. It’s been fairly difficult to find anything online about it’s like you said it’s so rare. 
    do you mind me asking was your surgery invasive or did you manage to remove the tumour through your nose ?

  • Offline in reply to PokeMum

    Hello Yes you can ask me anything. Yes, it was removed through my nose but because of where it is in my case, right up near ethmoid sinuses, they couldn't take a margin so I need radiotherapy to make sure it's all gone.

    I had a biopsy first, and I stayed in hospital overnight because it was late in the day, but I could have gone home same day. I felt fine.

    Op for removal was also straightforward, I went home the next day or day after, can't remember! I had a bad headache for a few days afterwards. Lots of people only need paracetamol after the removal, but I'd say make sure you have some decent painkillers at home just in case!

    I've been reading a lot of studies about nasal and sinus cancer and treatment and side effects, to get a good knowledge base for when I see my oncologist next week. But it's true that there's not much information specific to this type of cancer.

    In my case I didn't believe it could be cancer so I didn't worry at all before my biopsy results showed it was. I was convinced it was nothing! So it was a shock but on the plus side I didn't worry at all! I had no migraines, no chemical smell, just couldn't smell anything and lots of snot from one side!

    I'm here if you have any other questions. Any time