Awaiting results


Just stumbled across this forum (thank goodness). I've had a lump in my left breast for ages. I noticed it early last year, if not before but chose to bury my head I the sand, for whatever reason. 

On 2nd Jan I decided to go to the drs, who then referred me to the breast clinic the same day. I was impressed that they rang me the following day and booked me in for tests on the 8th Jan. 

I went to the appointment, had a mammogram and ultrasound to be told yes there is a lump, it looks benign but they did a core biopsy aswell and inserted a 'marker' into it.

Now I'm waiting....upto 3 weeks they said.

This is the most stressful thing I have ever gone through. My husband came with me to the appointment but I haven't told any other family members. The thought of worrying them unnecessarily upsets me. I have a 15 year old daughter who would be absolutely mortified, a 7 year old who probably wouldn't get it (that's probably a good thing). I can't talk to my husband properly as he gets upset aswell and I seem to be the 'rock'of the family.

Now my brain is going haywire... thinking... all of the 'what ifs' that come with it to do with work, bills, telling people. The list and thoughts go on. 

I'm 46 (47 next month) and just waiting..... its so hard to stay strong and focused and I haven't even had results yet.

Just wanted to come here and connect with others who maybe going through the same thing.

  • Hello MJT1977

    I'm sorry to hear that you recently have been to the breast clinic and that you're now waiting for some biopsy results. It's perfectly understandable that you're feeling anxious and worried at the moment. 

    I know that lots of our members will agree that this period of waiting and uncertainty can be really difficult. As you say, your mind is racing to all the "what ifs" and trying to prepare you for a worst-case scenario but try to keep positive and remember that the large majority of people who attend breast clinics are not diagnosed with cancer. Hopefully when the results are in the team will be able to give you some reassurance. 

    In the meantime, you might find it helpful to chat things through with one of our team of nurses. I know that they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information, and reassurance they can. If you'd like to speak with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Keep in touch MJT1977 and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • So sorry you are going through this difficult time. I had biopsies done yesterday, on what they called suspicious lumps which could be cancer. The waiting is so hard and stressful. Would recommend that you don't start googling stuff online, I did this and really wish I hadn't. Good luck with your results.

  • Hi MJT1977,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    Worrying though this is, you have done the right thing by getting your symptoms checked out. They usually tell things as they are, at the clinic, so if they think that it's benign, they are hopefully right. While the scans can detect your lump, and your care team can often detect cancer by the shape and composition of the lump, it is the biopsy which will determine whether or not there is any cancer present.

    Not all lumps are cancerous. Many turn out to be benign cysts, fibroadenoma or due to hormonal changes. It is a fact that only 20% of all referrals to the breast clinic, turn out to be cancerous, so the odds are still on your side. Our over active imaginations don't help during this wait, as they take us to all sorts of dark places. It is only natural that you are concerned about all the familial and practical matters that could arise, if you get a cancer diagnosis. Fortunately, this seldom happens and the odds are still on your side. I am the kingpin of my family too and my husband found it hard to talk about it at first. Your hubby is naturally worried too. Try to keep the communication channels open between the 2 of you, as it is really helpful to have someone to talk to.

    Most of us don't tell family and friends until we get our results back and we know what, if anything, we are dealing with. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer and treatment was perfectly "doable". I am still here 14 years after diagnosis and still leading a busy life.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • How are you doing after your biopsy? 

  • I can really relate although I'm waiting to go to initial appointment in first week of February referral from GP. . The 2week rule has ended up being a 4 week rule. I feel sure it's fibroadenoma in my left and I also have a small beady lymph in armpit. No pain just discomfort and occasional aching. I've got fibromyalgia and menopause right now so this better be an easier ride. Let's hope yours is. The good thing is that it's now often treatable whichever way it goes . I noticed my lumps last month . Weird they just appeared!!


  • It's the waiting isnt it? How are you doing?

    Still no results my end. I figure it's been a week now so they will know their end, just got to have it signed off, or whatever happens before patients are informed. I strangely feel quite calm now. I've spoken to some friends who were just what I needed, bizarrely we ended up laughing about it all. 

    I'm peri menopausal I believe, and have multiple fibroids in my womb which I'm waiting to have removed, so just hoping this is something else to do with hormones. 

    Things we go through xxx

  • How are you doing Pippin24?

  • Hi, I'm actually freaking out at the moment. Had a call from the hospital to go for results tomorrow after only a week. They had said it would be two weeks. It's also with the consultant so I'm  wondering if this is because it's going to be bad news!