Doctor FORGOT to press send - beyond stressed

My Doctor told me they had a made a red flag referral for a breast lump and shrinking breast on December 4th. I was worried as I hadn't heard from the hospital yet and it's been almost 3 weeks so I called them today to see if I could take a cancellation. Turns out my doctor didn't press send on their referral. I am so mad, and stressed and sad and overwhelmed with feelings. I haven't been to the doctor in 4 years because I can never get an appointment. Now when I managed to get one, they totally break my trust. I just don't know what to do. The hospital told me that their red flag (2ww) time is currently about 6 weeks from when they receive the referral. Because my doctor hasn't sent it yet and isn't in until after Christmas it will be at least 10 weeks. If it's something sinister I don't know how I will cope. Early detection is vital and this wait is unbearable. We can't afford private care so just feel alone and stuck. 

  • Hi Gnomes.

    A very warm welcome to our forum, although I'm sorry to hear why you are here.

    This is always an anxious wait, without having unnecessary delays such as this. Once the referral has been sent it would be worth phoning your consultant's secretary again. If you explain what has happened and offer to take any cancellations, there is a good chance that you might be seen sooner. In the meantime, try to steer clear of google. Most of the information there is aimed at the more spectacular cases, won't apply to you and will only serve to worry you further. Keep yourself busy, either with work or a pastime. Only 20% of referrals to the breast clinic, turn out to be cancerous. Most cases are benign cysts, fibroadenoma or due to hormonal changes.

    I sincerely hope that you manage to get an appointment through soon. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. Thankfully Christmas is here to keep me turn to do the cooking this year! 

    My head is telling me the lump is most likely a fibroadenoma but I have now noticed what feels like a swelling under my breast that my gut says might be something more worrying and explain the shrinking breast. I'm honestly trying not to dwell on it as there's nothing I can do until I get seen, but that's a lot easier said than done as I'm sure you know!

    I think the shock, frustration and anger at the whole situation will gradually pass but it will be hard to fully trust that doctor again which is really sad to me. I am usually trusting to a fault which is why I didn't do anything until almost the 3 week mark as I assumed the breast clinic was just overworked coming up to Christmas and I didn't want to add to their work load unnecessarily. 

    Fingers crossed the doctor can sort something out when they get back to work after Christmas! 

    Hope you have a lovely and relaxing Christmas this year xx

  • Hi Gnomes,

    Maybe it's just as well that it's your turn to do the Christmas cooking this year, as this should help to take your mind off things, for a short while at least. We all tend to overthink things at this stage and can end up in some dark places. Fortunately, the reality is seldom as bad as it first appears.

    It is hard not to dwell on your symptoms, but no amount of worry will change the outcome. I know that it is hard to think of anything else at present and I can fully understand all of your emotions. I too would find it very hard to place my trust in a doctor who had let me down so badly. Do you know when your GP is due to be back in the surgery? I sincerely hope that you can get an appointment early in the  new year and that your symptoms turn out to be nothing untoward.

    Please keep in touch and remember that we are always here for you.

    I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you good health and happiness for the coming year.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi  did you have any luck with getting an appointment yet hope you had a good Christmas xx

  • Hi Kris, my Christmas was actually nice and relaxing this year thanks. I phoned the hospital today to see about getting a cancellation appointment. Apparently my GP finally sent through a referral on Dec 22nd and the waitlist is now at 7 weeks meaning I wouldn't be seen until mid February and they rarely get cancellations. So we decided to bite the bullet and go private. I have an appointment on January 11th. It's still a long wait from my first phone call to the doc back in November so fingers crossed it's benign! How about you? Have you been seen yet? I hope all is well and you were able to relax and enjoy Christmas xx

  • No not been seen yet but my appointment is on the 9th of January so not long to wait however I am very nervous but I'm hoping it's just something like a breast mouse also end of October some bloke in the village pushed me in my chest to which I fell backwards and the breast my lump is in was covered in bruises so I'm also wondering weather it's something to do with that xx

  • OMG! I'm so sorry that happened to you - must have been terrifying! Hopefully it is something to do with that though and nothing worse. Fingers crossed all goes well on Tuesday for you! The lump I initially went to my doc about I'm pretty sure is a breast mouse too, but the other lump I found later is more worrying as it doesn't move at all. I'm hoping it's a cyst or something but really trying to not think about it until I get answers!

  • Same my partner keeps saying don't worry untill there's something to worry about easier said than done though xx

  • Hi Kriss,

    Your partner's soothing words are meant well and come from a good place. This is something that makes absolute sense, when we think about it sensibly. The trouble is that none of us think sensibly about much, at this stage and find these placatory remarks, really frustrating. Try not to let them annoy you. Believe it or not, irrespective of the outcome, you'll feel better in yourself, once you know what you are dealing with.

    I shall be thinking of you on Tuesday and sincerely hope that all turns out well.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Gnomes,

    I am glad to hear that you managed to enjoy Christmas.

    I am so sorry to hear that you would still have had to wait until February for an appointment, despite the fact that the wait was due to your GP's error. I hope that you have kept your name on the NHS list, until you hopefully, get the all clear from the private consultation. Treatment costs can mount up quickly. If you still have your name on the waiting list, and do turn out to need further treatment, you won't have so long to wait.

    I shall be thinking of you on Thursday and I sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx