Waiting time for Hysteroscopy

Hi all,

Just curious how long it took from the consultant saying they want to do a Hysteroscopy to getting the actual procedure? 

I’m 42 years old and had issues for a while. About 3 years ago diagnosed with Adynomiosis after an ultrasound and MRI. Was fitted with Mineria coil. 2 and a half years on I am still bleeding inbetween periods and my periods last for at least 10 days - it has been gradually getting worse. After doctor checking coil and appeared to be in right place referred me for ultrasound just in case. Ultrasound showed thickened lining. Results said an enlarged uterus with endometrium abnormally thickened measuring 22mm. I was referred to a consultant and after 5months of waiting mover from local NHS hospital to One Health as told wait would be shorter. Another 2 months on have been seen by a consultant and told they want to do a Hysteroscopy and biopsy to check for cancer. 5 weeks on no appointment. I am fed up of waiting and just want it all over and done with. 

Any advice? I have emailed to follow up but not heard anything. 

  • That's good news much better than not having a date ,there's nothing worse than just wondering if and when you will get an appointment and thinking they might have forgotten about you well done for persevering ,I hope you get good results .

  • So next update..had Hysteroscopy on the 23rd Feb. Was told they took an endometrial biopsy and lining was thick and I have a uterus of that of a 14 - 16 week pregnancy.  Additionally the consultant said that my cervix was hard and irregular so also took a biopsy from here. Was told by consultant that he would chase results and hope to give me a call in 2 weeks. 4 weeks on, no results, called to ask if they had arrived and they have not even come back yet. Told it could be six weeks and I have a follow up appointment with consultant mid April. 8 weeks after procedure. Getting so frustrated by the length of time this is taking it is permanently on my mind. I just want to know my results. Hoping the length of time it is taking is a positive - but just want to know. Has anyone else had it take this long??