Breast burning/tingling

Hi. I did want to upload a picture so you could see. 
But in my left breast i am feeling a burning/tingling feeling, it also feels like areola (i think thats what its called) has gone lighter and is really sensitive to the other (keeps going hard) and seems to be a little flatter than the other one, also the burning feeling feels like its in my armpit now also! 

i have a referal made but this 2 week wait is scaring the life out of me, my anxiety is at its max to the point i cant eat  :(

ive had loads of bloods done and all come back ok, but i no bloods doesnt pick up cancer. I had an inflammatory blood test which came back as normal.

i am so so scared.

  • Hiya. My boobs feel ok but ive now a lump on my chest bone and inflamed rib. So now im waiting on a chest xray. Its never ending :( are u going to go back to the doctors?

  • Hey! I’ve been silently watching this thread and decided to make an account to reply. A lot of the symptoms mentioned here (random swelling in one boob, pain, nipple changes) are stuff that I’m also currently experiencing myself. For reference I’m 26 years old, no children. I’ve been experiencing these since Halloween weekend, so around 2 months. 

    I went to a GP who referred me to the breast clinic. The hospital put it down to hormones straight away as my ultrasound was clear and although my hormones have been all over the place recently with dodgy periods and mood swings, I didn’t feel reassured at all, especially as the symptoms were still present. 

    I paid for a private hospital appointment who did a second ultrasound and this also came back clear, and I was sent away with a breast pain leaflet. I am in no means in a financial situation which can support private, so reluctantly had taken money from my savings to do so, as this was wrecking my everyday life with worry. Again, not reassured in the slightest. It seems as soon as they deem you ‘clear’ you must sit and suffer with persistent symptoms. 

    I then did some further research and found a breast pain specialist (private) and booked an appointment online. I did a curtesy email to his secretary just introducing myself and attached my previous doctor’s letters and scans in case he wanted to see those before my appointment. Within half an hour of the email being sent, the doctor called me into his clinic that day to be seen (5 days before my booked appointment).

    During the visit he felt thickening and swelling on my left side and it was certainly tender when he touched it. He said he didn’t think that it was IBC but he wanted to rule anything sinister out first before we see what else could be the issue. He then sent me for a guided ultrasound biopsy (the first doctor to do this!!) 

    The radiologist wasn’t too sure where to take samples from as the scan once again showed up clear, so I guided her by letting her know where the pain was coming from and the thicker parts of the skin. 4 samples were taken, and I was surprised at how little you feel when the local anaesthesia kicks in! 

    I’m now waiting that painstakingly long week for results. Although the doctor’s notes seem positive, I don’t want to get my hopes up until I get them. 

    It was very reassuring to me to find a doctor who actually sat and listened to what I had to say when I mentioned how this is NOT normal for me! I think a lot of them like to brush off asymmetry as normal, but when you live 26 years of your life with them, you notice the change! I actually compiled dated pictures over the last few months so that he visually see it too.

    I hope all is well with everyone else in this thread, it seems we have to be extra persistent to be listened to when something is wrong. It doesn’t help when Google always shows the worst for any symptoms, which is why forums like this put you at ease and make you realise that you’re not crazy and there are people experiencing the same things x

  • I am glad you are getting this sorted now and hope for a positive outcome. 
    It’s too bad we have to go private to get things sorted .Keep in touch xxx