2ww appointment today

Hi all again!

So I had my triple assessment session at the breast clinic today following my GP referral for a 5cm mass.

The surgeon didn't find any palpable masses (woo hoo!), the mammogram however picked up some abnormalities and I am booked in for an xray guided core biopsy on Wednesday. 

Its all a bit of a blur but I remember the surgeon saying he wasn't overly concerned at this stage but the abnormalities did need checking as they can go on to become cancerous. I would be added to the MDT list and will get a call with my biopsy results. Im hoping that a telephone call indicates its not likely to be anything super bad. I have my colleague lab staff and pathologist ready to do a covert operation so that it can be kept discreet from my workmates. 

I suppose I'm lucky it's been picked up, I am only 44 so have a way to go before I get routine mammograms. And I guess in a way I'm glad my discomfort has a potential cause. 

I'll be back at work tomorrow, I'm not going to brood about it as at least I know it's not overtly abnormal on exam and mammogram.

Hope everyone is doing OK :)

  • Hi Pampers,

    That all sounds pretty positive, doesn’t it? Fingers crossed that the phone call confirms that. I’ve got my appointment for results on Thursday morning and I’m really anxious. I’m fully expecting bad news and my emotions are all over the place xx 

  • Yeah I feel a bit more settled even though im not in the clear yet. I'm not looking forwards to the mammogram again, that was pretty uncomfortable. 

    I really hope you get some positive news on Thursday. The waiting really is the worst. We are all in good  hands x

  • Pampers that’s good news xx 

  • Gooner 

    stay busy busy Thursday will. Be here soon  and hopefully it’s good news for you too xx 

  • Thank you. I’m crazy busy with work, and for once that’s probably a good thing xx

  • Sending lots of positive thoughts for tomorrow  .

    Biopsy done for me today, bit of drama as I'd been forgotten about, sat in the waiting room stressing for over and hour, my paperwork had gone to the wrong place. Then further delays as no one had done my magnification mams so couldn't have the biopsy without it. 

    Then to top it off, the radiologist said the abnormality is on rightie not the leftie! All that pain I'm having in my left, and that's apparently the normal one! I suppose it was a blessing, leftie is very sore today, I'm not sure I'd have tolerated the stereotactic on that one. 

    Biopsy itself wasn't too bad, staff were lovely and made the experience so much better.

    All the best for tomorrow, thinking of you xx 

  • Goodness, I’m sure you could have done without all of the added hassle.  It must have been a shock to find there is a problem on the other side, and not where you thought! 
    I found the staff lovely too- it made such a difference. 
    Thank you for your good wishes- I’ll let you all know how I get on tomorrow xx

  • Hi Pampers,

    I'm glad to hear that your biopsy has now been done. You must have got quite a shock to find that they were interested in the breast that hasn't been causing you trouble. I hope that you get your results tomorrow and that the "abnormalities" check out ok.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • HI Jolamaine yeah it was a bit of a shock but also better in the end. Still struggling with the left, it's on a par with the biopsy pain which is annoying. I love sleeping on my front/side and I can't cos they're both tender (sulk).

    I've got my letter today from the initial appointment, stating that left was normal, right is M2/3 a 3mm calcification seen. It's actually amazed me what can be picked up on these scans. I'm a bit more content now and will sit and wait without overthinking too much. I know it could change but at least I've got an understanding now of what's been seen.

    So nice to be able to just chat about this stuff on here :)

    How are you doing? 

    Hugs to anyone out there who is struggling and anxious x

  • Hi Pampers,

    I’m fine thank you- able to talk to people about my diagnosis now without feeling upset. It’s everyone else that’s now shocked! Also realising how common it is. MRI on Monday and I will be glad when that is done, just in case they should find it’s bigger/ worse than other scans have suggested xx