Looking for re assurance

Hello. I'm 56, no kids, in generally good nick, health wise. Periods became erratic about 4 yrs ago. Due to my age, I was expecting it, so didn't give it another thought.

I had a period in Jan 2022, and then nothing until Jan 2023, so 12 months. I then had another in May of this year, so 4 months later. I've had no other symptoms, tho some slight, white discharge, and a bit of vaginal odour  which appears to have died down.

GP has sent me for vaginal exam, which is tomorrow. I've been torturing myself looking at Google and, even tho (Google says) it's more likely to be benign than cancer, my anxiety levels have been going through the roof these last two weeks. 

Apart from telling me not to look at Google, can anyone help me get a bit of perspective?


  • I’m sorry to hear your news @LondonLoop I’m sure you are in excellent hands and hopefully it is all contained. Sending hugs your way x

  • I had a good conversation with my consultant yesterday, I was offered a cancellation for a hysterectomy yesterday morning which I accepted but had a feeling my blood sugar levels would be too high and that’s exactly as it turned out to be, so I was sent home with the view they would give me a coil (due to severe anxiety - I feel better knowing there is something being done before hysterectomy) and have the op in September which should give me chance to get my sugar levels under control..he explained a lot about my situation and put my mind at rest over a lot if things I’ve been worrying about…he was lovely, even if he did look about 12!

  • Hi LondonLoop, I just saw your post ,hope you don't mind me replying to you but I was diagnosed with vaginal cancer the week before last.  As we are on a similar journey and newly diagnosed in this rare cancer, I wondered if you might like to link up in some way here?  I have had my PET/CT this week and have my MRI a week today, so as yet my cancer hasn't been staged either and I don't know whether its spread.  I've moved from the initial shock stage to utter sadness atm.  Let me know if you would like to link up in any way x

  • Hi, Bobbi. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's very tough. The last couple of weeks have been challenging, to say the least. I don't know if it helps, but the following thoughts/ experiences have been helping me to stay positive. Please feel free to steal them and use them as your own!!

    1. Cancer isn't straightforward. So between where I am now, at one end, and Worst Case Scenario, at the other, are lots of shades of grey, from "that was easier than I thought it was going to be" to "just about bearable". I am more likely to end up on one of the grey bits than the WCS, and will cope. Humans are adaptable.

    2. I threw a bit of a wobbly the other day, and rang one of the helpline nurses. She explained that once my scans were all done, the MDT would put together a treatment plan, the aim of which would be to cure me. She was speaking generally, and obv not able to predict anything based on my particular circs, but it was all very matter of fact, and made me feel a bit better

    3. People I've spoken to, including the above mentioned nurse, have all talked about how much more advanced treatments are now. Again, very general rather than specific to me, but is always good to hear.

    Dunno if any of this helps - have everything crossed for you!

  • Hi LondonLoop. It sounds like your doctor is being careful which is great. Menopausal women occasionally have a few similar problems so I hope yours checks out fine. Good luck x

  • Hi LondonLoop, just thought I would check in and see how you are.  Have you started treatment yet?  I had my planning scan this morning and start treatment 2 weeks today x