Endometrial Biopsy - results/waiting time

Im 25 years old.. 

Overview: Since I was 18 I always had irregular periods ect.. Ive been fobbed off for years! Evenutally was diagnosed with PCOS, was told I pretty much couldnt have children. Me and my partner were having unprotected sex 4 years and nothing! Any how in lockdown a mircle happened!! I got pregnant! Long story short I have a very healthy 21 month old son! This is when my problems got bad.. 

He was an emergancy c section & I was put to sleep. 3 week after I started bleeding (I think my period I dont know anymore) any how this bleeding continued for 10 months straight non stop! Doctors fobbed me off didnt really know what to do, so I begged for a refural he put me in for one but non emergancy. After 10 months the bleeding stopped for a couple weeks.. and now I bleed for 23-26 day then i stop for a week or two then its the same again.. the pain I get a week before I start bleeding that continues through is nothing I could ever explain, I feel just dead almost, im taking lots of opiods to manage the pain but its truly ruining my life & my experience of motherhood with my little one.  anyhow I finally got my refural on the 14th of Feb! In which doc did a endometrial biopsy? Im abit shocked that I was offered no pain releif to help this process as I was in aggony, my legs were shaking so bad and I literally couldnt stop them! Any how the doc said hes sent it as an emergancy and I should have results back in 2-3 weeks! We are almost hitting 2 weeks and absolutely nothing? Ive been told to wait for a letter..

I just need to know has anyone else experience this? Ive been having the worst depression and anxiety the past 2 weeks, im struggling to cope really I just want to sit and cry.. 

Should I assume its good news? That Ive waited this long? I just need some reassurance? Has anyone waited 2 weeks with no results and then still got bad news? Or should I expect them to be normal with it being a while? Im so worried I just need peice of mind - why does NHS now only give results by letter? I cannot concentrate on anything I feel alone & scared (only because of how much pain im in daily and the extent of the bleeding) I just need some reassurance from someone, anyone please


sorry for the ramble xx

  • Hi, 

    I hope you're ok. Jodie is still waiting for results too. We phoned the gyno's secretary to ask that they phone with the results as it takes so long by letter. Her results are still not back 17 days on! This last month has been hell. Two week for biopsy now another two weeks and two days for results. She is so anxious, we both are , she's trying to stay positive as she has two children and an amazing partner but it's so hard. Everyday is a trembly feeling inside, constant googling ( ) and nothing makes sense!  If it is a sarcoma then she's had it for 4.5 years at least so surely she would be very ill by now?  Apart from this huge 'fibroid' and 2  days out of 5 days of her period she bleeds heavy and anemia ( iron tabs have sorted that out) apart  from that she's so healthy. I think the fact it's all come out of the blue is the shock. Just want them to ring her. 
    I hope you are coping ok . We are in the southeast xx

  • Hi!

    Im guess im as good as I can be! I hope Jodie is okay I got a letter yesterday for some scans next week! But still no biopsy results! Yeah Im trying to stay possitive! My partner really isnt supportive & hes response to all this was 'everyone is ill',so my support circle isnt great, that why i came here to kind of feel some reassurance that its not only me going through this.. I havnt told my mom and dad i dont want to worry them and they have alot on their plate! , im just desperate to to find out whats going on.. yeah google is making me feel so much worse so ive been staying off the internet as much as I can! Im also taking iron tablets for anemia.. not sure if they are working or not though! 
    sending so much love to you all! Stay safe & keep me updated xxx

  • Hugs to you , I will stay in contact. Message anytime you feel the need to. 

  • Hi

    I'm still waiting on biopsy results.. 3 weeks today.

    I have bad health anxiety,  its awful waiting. 

    Best wishes to you x

  • Aw no!! Have you called to see if theres any updates? Waiting is the absolute worst! Its just the unkown sending much love x 

  • I'm to scared to, if that makes sense. 

    Thankyou for the love, its much appreciated xx

    Best wishes to you 

  • No I totally get you!! Im literally terrified of what the results could be! Please keep me updated & stay safe! Sending so much love ️

  • I will do x

    Hate hate hate health anxiety 

  • Morning, 

    we phoned the secretary again this morning. Jodie's results are back but the gyno hasn't even looked at them yet. I keep thinking this could be a good sign as are the flagged up if positive? We have asked for a phone call but they've said they can request one but he is very busy and it's not something they usually do. So I suppose we now have to wait for an appointment letter? So distressing. Just want someone to say that they are all ok. 
    ang more news on yours? xx

  • Oh im glad to hear they are back!! But not so glad to hear that they have not been addressed especially when the unknown is severly stressful!! Hope you hear back asoon as possible!! How long have you waited ? I rang this morning and she said they are still not back funny enough I actually questioned weather the were actually back and just not reviewed or just not back and she assured me they are just not back yet but are stamped as urgent, she promised me the second she got off the phone to me she would speak to pathology and chase up! However she also said this wednesday and obviously still nothing! Im just so stressed! I actually managed to get on my gps records this morning, and it says my last ultrasound my ET was measured at 14mm.. Im not sure if thats normal or not.. no one has explained that to me? But im guessing its normal as this scan was last year and there was no further action? It was also mention that the scan showed RPOC? But in the doctors notes it was 'inital scan showed ?RPOC but 14mm ET' i have absolutely no clue what that means but again this was last year and there was no futher action! What even is RPOC? I have PCOS? Im just feeling overwhelmed and like nothing at all is being explained to me properly 

    sending love! Keep me updated xxx