Im 25 years old..
Overview: Since I was 18 I always had irregular periods ect.. Ive been fobbed off for years! Evenutally was diagnosed with PCOS, was told I pretty much couldnt have children. Me and my partner were having unprotected sex 4 years and nothing! Any how in lockdown a mircle happened!! I got pregnant! Long story short I have a very healthy 21 month old son! This is when my problems got bad..
He was an emergancy c section & I was put to sleep. 3 week after I started bleeding (I think my period I dont know anymore) any how this bleeding continued for 10 months straight non stop! Doctors fobbed me off didnt really know what to do, so I begged for a refural he put me in for one but non emergancy. After 10 months the bleeding stopped for a couple weeks.. and now I bleed for 23-26 day then i stop for a week or two then its the same again.. the pain I get a week before I start bleeding that continues through is nothing I could ever explain, I feel just dead almost, im taking lots of opiods to manage the pain but its truly ruining my life & my experience of motherhood with my little one. anyhow I finally got my refural on the 14th of Feb! In which doc did a endometrial biopsy? Im abit shocked that I was offered no pain releif to help this process as I was in aggony, my legs were shaking so bad and I literally couldnt stop them! Any how the doc said hes sent it as an emergancy and I should have results back in 2-3 weeks! We are almost hitting 2 weeks and absolutely nothing? Ive been told to wait for a letter..
I just need to know has anyone else experience this? Ive been having the worst depression and anxiety the past 2 weeks, im struggling to cope really I just want to sit and cry..
Should I assume its good news? That Ive waited this long? I just need some reassurance? Has anyone waited 2 weeks with no results and then still got bad news? Or should I expect them to be normal with it being a while? Im so worried I just need peice of mind - why does NHS now only give results by letter? I cannot concentrate on anything I feel alone & scared (only because of how much pain im in daily and the extent of the bleeding) I just need some reassurance from someone, anyone please
sorry for the ramble xx