Neck lump

I am really stressed out and wanted to share maybe it will help me put my mind off it for a bit. I recently went for an ultrasound because i have had reactive lymph nodes for years couple of them actually. When i went to the ultrasound including my lymph nodes they also found a nodule on my thyroid which i wasnt aware of. it is very small 6mm but its solid and has microcalcifications and has been rated U4 so they reffered me to a follow up ultrasound with the dictor and possibly biopsy. Did anyone else have the same experience??? from what i have reqd is possible thyroid cancer because its solid and has microcalcifications however it also has low echo thats what it says on the report, low echo avascular flow. im very confused. 

  • That sounds really worrying, Hope2022. Really hope everything will be OK with you. I think after having cancer, even if it was "only" thyroid cancer, we tend to jump to the worst conclusion with other things.

    I had some rectal bleeding last year and while I was pretty sure it was hemorrhoids or something else relatively minor, a part of me was thinking, "that's what you thought with the thyroid too, that it would be benign and all the doctors implied they were just checking as a formality then too!"

    Hopefully, like in my case, this will turn out to be nothing serious for you too.

    Sorry to hear you still have cancer in two nodes. 

    Joname, the cure rate for most forms of thyroid cancer is really high, like some forms have a survival rate of well over 99%. The idea of cancer is terrifying, regardless of how "mild" a form it is considered to be, but I honestly think the stress was the worst part of it. That and the anaesthetic.

  • Thank you xx

    I had rectal bleeding 3 times, end last year.

    Had the stool tested and reading came very high 22, over 10 they refer you for colonoscopy.

    I had it, with 2 biopsies, everything came normal.Thank goodness! But they couldn't figure out where the blood was coming from as it was reddish and not dark.

    I totally understand, the word 'cancer' makes you jump and think of the worst.It is a deadly disease if not caught on time.

    I have an emotional burst once in a while...I have 3 kids.Thinking about them makes me lose myself.Leiomysarcoma is a very aggressive cancer and prognosis is not good.

    I wish and hope for the best for all of you who are waiting patiently and who are currently going through the painful process .



  • Son't worry hun, you'll be fine. Best wishes

  • Just had my second ultrasound, reffered for biopsy. 

    the report says inhomogeneous hypoechoic nodule i dont know what that excatly means does anyone know?