Mass found left breast. Waiting for breast clinic referral

New here so not sure what to expect! I was took into hospital with covid few days ago! Suspected blood clots! During the CT they came across a 30mm mass in my left breast! I was so shocked I never asked any questions just said ok and left as they were finally discharging me! I have had flickering pains in my breast and my armpit has been so itchy ? but there are no lumps! I'm waiting for my letter referal to the breast clinic ! I'm so scared of what to expect at the appointment! I obviously hope it's not what I'm thinking it is! I just can't sleep for worrying 

  • Hi don't worry it can get confusing messages different people! It's just lovely you have time to reassure others ! They found the mass in my left breast during a ct scan looking for blood clots because i had covid! Wish my letter would just arrive already Ali want it over with so I know what's what ! 

    xx zoe xx

  • As if Covid wasn't enough for you to cope with! You certainly are having more than your fair share of stressful events xx♥️

    My first breast clinic appointment was exactly 2weeks to the day from when my GP referred me. Keep your mobile handy cos I received a text reminder for the appointment before the actual letter arrived in the post.

    Lilyanne xx


  • Wow really ? I had a letter yesterday to tell me what they found and that if I haven't had a referall letter to contact my gp but not sure how long to wait before I call them! I almost called the breast clinic today to see if they had reverse referall but didn't want to be too premature ringing them! It's bloody torture ! 

    xxx zoe xx 

  • I am going through something very similar at the moment. A year ago I found some lumps in my neck which are swollen lymph nodes and they have been growing ever since. Unfortunately due to covid, tests got delayed and my GP did not take my issues seriously, so I am still waiting for appointments which has been extremely stressful. To add to everything I found a lump in my breast on new years eve and have been referred to the breast clinic as well. The wait is worse than anything they could tell me, I'll be relieved just to get an answer as to why I have been struggling over the last year. 

  • Omg my lovely how awful for you having to wait all those months for a referral have you not had to it neck checked at all yet? No wonder your anxious and worried ! It's such a terrifying time , I really feel for you! Any idea when your appointment is? Xx zoe xx 

  • Hi Zoe,

    If I was in your position I'd call the breast clinic tomorrow. Worst case scenario is they haven't had referral yet. I'm sure they'll understand your anxiety. Tell them you've had the letter but you couldn't get through to your GP + you want to to know if they've got a date for your appointment. If not are there any cancelled appointments they can give you 

    Fingers crossed Liliyanne xx


  • You know what sod it I shall do that tomorrow , I should of today but got so side tracked ! I'm trying to keep busy to take my mind off it ! 

    xx zoe xx 

  • Hey Lilyanne,

    Hows you?

    Sorry about the confusion. Please let me explain.

    I first went to my GP on 24th Oct, she sent an urgent referral to the clinic, and two days later, a nurse called me to attend the breast clinic on 8th Nov. (a letter of confirmation came through the post in the meantime). At the breast clinic, I had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy all on the same day. I got the results on 1st Dec, where I was diagnosed with BC, but there were problems so another appointment was made on 22nd Dec for a second biopsy, 3D imaging and a marker. I get the results of the second biopsy on 14th Jan. Hopefully I will find out my treatment plan then?

    I think there is only 3 weeks difference all in all between dates where you and I are seen by our GP's and attending the breast clinic. 

    Oh Lilyanne, the only thing I know right now is around mid Dec I started having having sharp shooting pains in the breast, in and around the tumor. I called my BCN who told me not to try not to worry too much, as every pain/twinge I had would make me think my BC was spreading. Now just that area is warm where the rest of the breast is cool. It is also tender whereas it wasn't before.

    I haven't mentioned it again to anyone as I don't want to appear to be making a nuisance of myself.

    Sorry for the mix up

    Much love xx :love:

  • Hi Zoe,

    I had 2 ultrasounds last year however the hospital lost the results of the second test so no further action was taken until I contacted the GP again before xmas. I'm waiting on another ultrasound but they told me yesterday that at the moment it's a 6-8 week wait and once again they'll only do a biopsy at a later date. If they'd done a biopsy when my symptoms first began in October 2020 I wouldn't have had to worry for all these months. 

    Now with the  breast lump I have been put on the 2 week list for a breast clinic appointment. They've all told me not to worry but it's difficult given the situation. I've not been myself for the last year and I know something is wrong so any diagnosis they give me will be a relief at this point.

    Charlie xx

  • Hi Zoe,

    Let me know how you get on . Lilyanne xx