Possitive stool Fit test

Hey guys i just need a but if reassurance. Ive received a letter today in regards to having a colonoscopy procedure. In the letter it states possitve stool fit test as come back as more than 400? This number seems high.

Just a little concerned

Kind reguards


  • The procedure wasnt as bad as i thought, i myslef refused to have the (gas & air) and i  asked for sedation, which was good for me.  I had my canular fitted firstly then i had stats taken (bp, oxygen levels) then was asked to lay on my side with my bottom pushed out amd my knees towards my chest. Then the procedure started which may i add you can see the procedure on the screen at the side of you. And he explains everything what he is seeing. They do say if they find anything . So he will look all the way up to your colon then he takes a closer look on the way back, thats where he found the polyp he removed, i watched him do it. He injected it with this stuff, then he threads like a lasso around and couturizes it (removes it) so painless you dont feel a thing i promise you. He also told me i had diverticulitus. Then he said nearly finished, he removed endocope and that was all done in total with removal just over 35 mins and for me it was painless. Then he showed me the polyp and said it will be sent off to be looked at and they say 2 weeks you will get thr results back. He writes his report out. Your put into recovery room for about 20mins (i was cause i chose sedation) i was given a sandwich and a drink, the burse then gave me my report he had writen and then my partner was rung to come collect me . 

    Please try not to worry (i know its easy for me to say but i was petrified too) but you will be in good hands and the procedure will be fine, you will be fine. God bless you let us know how you get on will you 


  • Thank you so much for responding and I am glad all is ok. I am trying really hard to be positive and when I think logically the likelihood of it being something serious is slim but then I worry I am being too relaxed and will then be told it's worse. 

    He has no symptoms now, he had a bad tummy for 2 weeks in October but has cleared up now. Dr done a DRE and said he felt an internal Hemorrhoid, but from reading online (I do this a lot) it says it's unlikely to produce a positive fit test. I don't know if that's true or not. I also can't find a lot that indicates the higher the result the worse the outcome. 

    we are waiting to hear from the clinic now. I just want it over and done with. We have just bought a new house and can't seem to enjoy it at the moment. 

  • If it is something like hemorroids then if he had the test done whilst this was the case then the fit test count will be high, this is what my doctor told me.

    So please try not to worry. And ps please dont read stuff on google thats the worst thing that you can do . Try and think possitive it will more that likely be something that they will sort for him. 

    Wish him luck. Ps try not to worry flower xxx

  • Wow! Anxiety is proper bad now! My husbands colonoscopy is on Sunday and I am getting so worked up about it but obviously not telling him as I can tell how scared he is. 
    I am absolutely convinced they are going to find something and then what are we going to do. 
    im literally searching the internet to find out if the higher the result the more likely it is to be cancer!  

    I drive myself crazy!