Lobular cancer - awaiting tests and so scared

I've been diagnosed with lobular breast cancer and referred for MRI, bone and CT scan.  I have two positive axillary nodes.  I am so anxious and scared and breaking down all the time thinking the results will be the worst case. Finding it hard to cope. The tumour was 1cm but I'm thinking with lobular it could be so big it's inoperable and I wouldn't know.

  • Aww sweet 3 and 10 keep you busy I expect.

    They said to me no cancer in other breast on Mammogram, ultrasound and that was confirmed on MRI but I thought their probably was going to be because you start to think every feeling must be cancer related.Pulled my back this week and convinced that was connected -just a coincidence .Think all rationale disappears at the moment.

    We told my sons special needs college as appointments  may intefere with picking him up etc and they will support him too.   

    I will keep my fingers crossed that you get a traetment plan soon xx 

  • Hi both, I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive lobular in my right breast right at the end of June. First consultant said I'd have to have chemo. Went for MRI results back showed 2 masses biggest one is 8.5cm. No nodes though. Had to have a CT scan as something was showing on my liver and kidneys but they turned out to be cysts. 
    Saw the oncologist and she walked me through it all. 
    as it's all hormone based ER9/PR8 HER- she's put me on hormone suppressors (Letrozole) and a chemo pill (Palbociclib) in order to shrink the tumour down. (Normal chemo isn't that great for this type of cancer so I was told) 

    been on them 3 months now and had follow up MRI pills are working as the mass has reduced in volume so I've another 3 months to go till the next MRI to see what's next. 
    was told surgery and radiotherapy but only once it's shrunk to a reasonable size. 
    guessing I'm pretty lucky that I'm not loosing my hair but the side effects of the pills make you feel rough some days. 
    hope you both get an easy ride. 

  • Hi Annie

    Sorry to hear that you are in the same situation, so pleased that the liver and kidneys were not effected.

    My lump is 66mm on MRI ,double what they thought on mammagram and I'm having a mastectomy on 17 November -I wanted one anyway but Oncologist said due to size it is best and also thinks no immediate reconstruction is best too.It also says its probably multi focal on the report.

    Are you hoping for lumpectomy ? I just wondered why they need to shrink it first ?

    My Oncologist said I will probably need chemo and radio afterwards -though like you say there is doubt as to whether lobular responds that well to chemo -I think  its just a belt and barces approach.

    Yours does seems like its going to be a long journey.I hope you have support.Have you looked at a new charity 


    Quite alot of information on there.

    Take Care x

  • Hiya

    they told me they need to shrink it so they can do surgery. I'm glad in a way as I'm always scared of going under cos I snore so loud

    I've been on that website and it's great that it's there now as all the other Facebook groups etc are full of ductile cases. Makes me feel such a fraud not going through what they are. 
    It's even worse when I go to collect the chemo pills as it's in the chemo ward and everyone is wired up to machines and I just breeze in and out. 
    but I get bad days (todays one) where I feel like and can't move a lot. 

  • Hi 

    How are you doing ? , any news on the other scan yet ? 


  • Oh my goodness you must think I'm so rude! So sorry I hadn't seen the last couple of messages - don't think I got a notification.

    I'm ok thanks - saw a different consultant last week; he didn't have all the scan reports yet but was a lot more up front about how he thought things would go. He said he doubted very much there'd be any spread and we're looking at chemo and surgery (including node removal). Seeing him again tomorrow so hopefully he's right!

    How are you doing? Do you have to self isolate before surgery? 


  • No problem I was just worried that you had some bad news , but that sounds more positive (in a crap situation ! ) 

    I had my pre op assessment which was fine , have to self isolate from three days before, after a covid swab at the hospital drive through.

    Trying to be very wary of covid and wearing a mask most of the time outside.Got accosted today by a homeless man asking why I was wearing a mask , and that I'm a virus freak -didn't really help .I shouldn't have argued with him really but I find I'm more intolerate of people since my diagnosis.

    Hope you get some more answers tomorrow x 

  • No bad news yet... well, other than the **** news we've already had! I'll let you know what he says tomorrow. 

    Do you have to isolate away from your family?  Glad the pre op was ok.

    Virus freak?? I'd have probably punched him! Plenty of people are still wearing masks! Rude!



  • Hi, had my consultation this evening.  Good news (or as could as it could be!) - one isolated tumour about 4cm at its widest point and only the two lymphs I knew about, with no other spread.  He's booking me in for a lumpectomy then it'll probably be radiotherapy and chemo. The e-Cadherin results that weren't back last time have now come back and it turns out it's not lobular after all! It's ductal. Feeling quite positive all in all, fingers crossed.

    how are you today? Xx