Newly diagnosed invasive ductual cancer help ?

Hi there,


I got diagnosed with invasive ductual cancer, treatment operation followed by radiotherapy & cancer hormones drugs waiting for Her2 to come back and after operation when they will take some lymph node to find out if spread and if I need chemotherapy, hopefully not.


They give options on a mastectomy or partial one, I opted for partial one they said he may come back just don't know if I have made the right decision, so much to take in any advise would be really welcome or any through or going through the process and treatment please ???


thsnk you do much xx


    Hi All,

    I go back a lot further than Hayley. I've had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 11 years. I had a lumpectomy followed by Tamoxifen first time around. I  was told by pathology that my margin wasn't clear, but my surgeon insisted that it was, as he'd taken additional tissue when he realised this at the time. Six months later I discovered a larger lump in my other breast. My surgeon examined it very cursorily and told me there was nothing to worry about. I wasn't convinced, but he refused to test it. I refused radiotherapy until this was investigated, claiming that there was no point in treating one breast while ignoring the other. The surgeon and I reached an impasse and he referred me to another surgeon for a second opinion.

    This surgeon was in charge of all of the surgeons in the area. He immediately tested me with a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies. Fortunately it was benign.  This surgeon offered to take over my care. Although it involved a three hour journey to his hospital instead of 10 minutes to my local hospital, I took up his offer. Almost a year to my first diagnosis, I discovered another lump in my original breast. This was in the same spot as my original lump had been. Unfortunately, this was a second cancer of the same type and stage as the original. Fortunately, it was still grade one. My cancer is Pure Mucinous Carcinoma, which is a slow growing cancer, so it shouldn't have come back so quickly. My new surgeon and I believe that it appeared because a clear margin was not achieved first time around.

    I had a long discussion with my consultant about lumpectomy versus mastectomy. Fortunately, he was in agreement when I said that I felt that I would be better with the double mastectomy. I had this ten years ago and then took Letrozole for 6 years. I was told that I didn't need radiotherapy or chemo because I had been given the bilateral mastectomies.

    I know that a number of surgeons are unwilling to remove an unaffected breast, as they argue that the outcome is no better than just removing the affected breast, but I must confess that I feel happier in myself, because I believe that all that could be removed was removed. Given the choice I would have no hesitation in doing this again. Some of you don't even have a diagnosis yet, but you are likely to find that you all have different types and grades of cancer (if any at all). You will therefore find that you don't all need the same type of surgery or treatment.

    If you have any concerns, why not draw up a list of questions to ask your consultant or breast care nurse? These are the people best suited to give you the statistics you need.

    Whatever you decide, please come back and let us know and, I hope that this turns out to be the best decision for you personally. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,
    Jolamine xx