Holding on tight!

so the last few weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions to say the least. We stumble along to one clinic then the next and so it goes. Last week I have sentinel node biopsy- yesterday I saw my consultant for results- my bc has spread to 3 of the 4 nodes they removed! Didn’t see that one coming - yesterday was a haze and today’s not much better. My whole treatment plan has now been changed- I will have a mastectomy- no implant - further nodes will be removed from my armpit and then chemo and radiotherapy. Oh and a scan on Friday to check rest of me - mind blowing - all we can do is put our trust in the amazing NHS and pray they can get rid of it - thanks for listening - still no tears!! I’d like to get off this train and keep on running but I guess that’s not a good idea! Holding on !

  • Thank you Jolamine

    i just needed to get it all out there - thanks for your reply and I’m so sorry to hear about all your dear family. Yes I’m hoping hubby will have biopsy soon and then we can get on - like you say sometimes life is just cr.. but we take one step at a time and get on - thanks again for listening x