It's back

Managed 4 and a half years free of the dreaded 'C' then just been told it's returned.  Have liver biopsy Tuesday then treatment,plan to start in the new year.  More scared than I've ever been in my whole life.  Telling my family was hideous and I'm sure they suffer just as much as I do............ never cried so much.  People keep telling me to stay strong but it's so difficult.  Wish there was a handbook on dealing  with this situation. I'm so grateful that my partner is here with me on this journey to hold my hand , give me hugs and help with the medication.

Wish I knew someone to tell me what to expect and reassure me that everything  will be alright. My previous treatment was surgery which I struggled to deal with but the thought of losing my hair, taste buds, sanity etc fills me with dread. 

  • Thanks for your kind words. It's comforting to have others out there who are/have dealt with this bloody awful disease. I know we're all different and have opinions, views and experiences and just a few simply words to say 'hang on in there' really does help. 


    Jane x

  • You too...... I'm sure you must be really worried about these tests especially with your history, but I have found people on here have been very helpful and its good to know your not alone.  It's a long rollercoaster eh? Your probably feeling nauseous dizzy and just want 'normal' . I felt exactly the same as you 'dunno if I can do this again' but there's no other way you just have to dig deep and go along for all the tests and appointments and try to keep your sanity at the same time.

    Had my liver biopsy yesterday ( quite an experience!!!) And now just waiting on the outcome. Oncologists needs results to plan correct treatment apparently.  Part of me wants to know exactly what to expect etc then another part of me really doesn't ....... you hear stories ,experiences and we're all different so our tales will be different.

    I remember a dear friend say she hated the mask!!!!!!!!!!! Part of Her throat cancer treatment was radiotherapy and they made a mask just for her but it had wings on the side that were screwed into place on the bed with her in...... claustrophobia was an issue.  I have to admit I'm the same with the mri scans ..... I hate them . Neither hurt we simply didn't like it.

    If you need to rant and rave please feel free to message me .... we're in the same boat and I totally understand where you are.

    Sending you my best wishes for a good Outcome.  I have everything crossed for you.

    Bug hugs

    Jane x


  • So, went for my ultrasound today. They say they are "concerned" with what they have seen and took 4 samples for the biopsy. they say they can't confirm anything until they get the results back in a week. Surely they know something?? So frustrating having to wait! 

    I just want to know so I can plan xmas etc. Meant to be going to Austrailia on boxing day for 18 days, I just need to know if I can still go? Should I postpone? It cost a lot of money, what if I never get the chance to go again? Don't want to think like this but it's difficult not to when you don't know what's happening.


  • It's good the tests are over and biopsies were taken.  I always try and say to myself it's another item off the list and your closer to knowing 100% what the outcome it. Some days are worse than others I'm sure but try to stay calm and look forward positively.  During this period of waiting there is simply nothing you can do.  It seems to me that this amazing trip to Australia you have planned May just be the tonic you need to give you a. Boost. Why don't you chat to the . Professionals either on this site or your local gp and explain circumstances  and ask their advice.  From my limited knowledge nothing happens quickly and by the time all the necessary bits all fall into place  especially taking christmas and New year into account and staff holidays.  you'll be back, bronzed and a little more relaxed. Sounds like  the perfect preparation for the next bout of treatment. Maybe get letter and pain relief (if you need it) from doc as a backup if you need a little help. 

    I know it's really really hard and I'm sending you big hugs take care Jane x