Newly diagnosed

Good Morning I have in the last 9 wks just been diagnosed with breast cancer. AS YOU can imagine my life was turned upside down .I have just had round 2 of chemo and it has knocked me sideways. Im exhausted and finding it difficult to eat it' just pants. Be interested to know if anyone else is experiencing the same? Thankyou in advance 

  • You’ll get there. My cousin has been through chemo including one lot of anaphylactic shock and sepsis and is now doing radiotherapy and she’s still standing. She did it and so can you!

    Do what you can can with what you have. This is a means to an end, nothing more. Horrible way of getting there but you can and will do it. Let your stubborn side out and stick with it. 

  • Rileyroo hit nail on the head:-)

    if u need t take t yr bed do it no one is judging, it’s a case of whatever it takes. We r in awe of u and the strength u have in dealing with this. 

    Do not underestimate the strength of character u r showing us all. The end goal is life - now that is worth every second of whatever is needed to get u to that point. You don’t have to walk this all alone we are here if u want need us. X

  • Hi Maria.

    I found in sept I’ve got breast cancer. I’m on the rosco trial. I had my 3rd chemo 2 weeks ago. I’m struggling big time as after every session of chemo ended up in hospital. Came out yesterday after 13 days.

    Hope everything goes ok for you.xx

  • Hi that' when I found my lump at the end of September and like you I ended up in hospital with 2 infections after my first round of chemo. I have had my 2nd and thought I was doing ok and now I have been in bed for a week it' a nightmare! I did push myself just now and put some washing on and made breakfast and now im exhausted little steps I guess.