Radioactive ion injection for sentinel node removal

When I searched for radioactive ion injection in the cancer chats prior to having it done there were no results so I am writing this in case any one else does a similar search. I have invasive breast cancer grade 2 and initially had a lumpectomy done as it was thought I just had DCIS. Once the invasive cancer was discovered I had to have a Sentinel node removal (which I had on Monday) to see if it has spread. I was very very anxious about having to have the radioactive injection in my breast so for anyone else about to have it this is my experience;

the first thing to be clear about is no one can tell you what the level of discomfort/stinging is likely to be because everyone will feel it in their own unique way. The most important thing to share with you is that the whole process is incredibly short , the actual insertion of the needle and the injection of the ion itself took less than a minute- so only seconds- read that again - only seconds. It is very very quick. The needle was inserted into the edge of the aureola not actually into the nipple itself as I had thought. The nurse was wonderful and explained every step of the process. Because my nipple has lost some sensitivity post surgery I actually didn't feel anything, most people feel some stinging I was told. It really wasn't the awful experience I was anticipating. I cried with relief when it was done because I had got so hyped up about it. My nipple and breast area is tender today and I am using ouch cream (from blended therapies ) which is amazingly soothing. Hope this helps someone!

  • Hi,lovely to hear from you. Your cancer nurse beat me to it ! I was going to reassure you that the 'hot' referred to the Sentinal node that had picked up most of the radioactivity and the 'blue' was just the node that had picked up the blue dye, so definitely nothing to be concerned about, and not anything to do with a diagnosis. I understand that the Sentinal node analysis takes  anything up to 3 weeks to get the results back. They cannot tell at the operation stage what they have or haven't got in terms of cancer cells in the nodes. I had 2 taken. The wait is the worst thing really!  My boob has changed shape a lot since the first few weeks, it was really hard to begin with and difficult to tell what the final shape would be. Now 8 weeks on from the lumpectomy it is fairly soft and normal feeling all over with just a small hard area where I guess the lump actually came from. I had my nipple re centralised (as they call it!) to stop it from drooping because of the tissue removed from below it (6 0clock for me) Once the soluble stitches were all gone and I felt confident it was healed I started to massage bio -oil on every day. It is supposed to help scars heal, they recommend twice daily for 3 months. I will have to stop once radiotherapy starts but in the mean time it is part of my daily routine.  Did you see my other post about pain after lumpectomy ? Where I mention buying a cushtie- best get well gift I was given. ,

  • Hi - its really great to hear from you too! Thank you for replying.  Yes, I really jumped the gun and presumed incorrectly that blue meant positive.  But like you, I always try and prepare for worst case scenario and then anything that isn't as bad as I thought, is a bonus!  Although I know you probably feel as I do, just wish we were not going through it.  As if life is not hard enough with other rubbish to deal with, now this?  I am interested in the cushtie - where did your friend get it?  Today I removed the dressing.  All seems to be healing - I have a semi-circle cut around the edge of the nipple - right breast - face on it would be from 6pm up to 12 on the face of a clock.  I guess that is where the mass was removed.  I have another incision nearer to my armpit where they removed nodes.  This feels bumpy but maybe stitches inside.  My boob is still bruised in colour and my nipple is pale blue now. Nice!  It is still sore but I am not using painkillers although I did consider today as removing the dressing seemed to make pain noticeable. Still swollen but fluid inside filling the void of the mass.  Should disperse over next few weeks so feels quite heavy and noticeably bigger than left boo.  The shape is okay - I cannot notice a dip yet as I was warned I would but I am sure that is yet to come. Cousin who is the nurse said keep the arm mobile and don't let it seize up but if painful when moving, take painkillers. She said really important to keep mobility in area especially with radio coming up at some stage.  I will try the bio-oil.  Have started to tell a few more friends.  So lovely to know that they are praying and lighting candles. It means so much.  Two of them are into healthy eating and sending me links about things that I should start taking. I will do so and I can forward you any info they send me.  I will let you know what happens on Thursday re: small lump behind collar bone.  Oh God, I probably had it there for years and just happened to notice it last week - why I didn't mention to doctor on Tuesday I don't know.  My brain is not in gear with it all.  How are you feeling about things? Can I ask you how old you are and how did you find the lump?  Do you have children?  I have three boys - 11, 10 and nearly 3.  My biggest fear is not being here for them.  I can cope with a lot of things, but the dark thoughts like that make my heart start beating so fast. 

  • I hope all is good with you.  Are you going back tomorrow 11th? for results? If so, I will be wishing you hear good news and all is okay with you.  Good luck and I really hope you get on well tomorrow.  I am okay. Going back on Thursday this week for results of surgical removal and state of nodes whether clear or not.  Am not dwelling on it too much - just got to face whatever happens, but hoping good news like yourself.  xx


  • Apologies for delay in replying life just ran away with me! Thinking about you today as I know it is results day for you. Had my surgeon appointment on Tuesday who confirmed no spread to the Sentinal nodes so that is really good news for me. I am now going to have a bone scan (next Thursday) to check that there is no spread to bones. As my sentinel nodes are clear it is more likely that there will not be any spread however I have had a lot of random shoulder and arm pain since about May this year so I think the surgeon is erring on the side of caution. I am happy with that - belt and braces approach!  Haven't yet got an appointment with an oncologist to discuss treatment so waiting for that as well.   I am 53, no children so in a different position than you, I can only imagine how frightening it must all feel when you have children to consider. Just keep telling yourself that there are far more breast cancer survivors these days than ever before- let's be two of the survivors!  

  • That's fantastic news for you - I am so glad.  Best of luck with the bone scan - maybe pain is due to tension and stress.  We do not realise how much stress we hold in our bodies especially at times like this.  I will be thinking of you and do let me know how you get on.  I am glad they are taking you seriously though and putting your mind at rest.  I went today.  No spread to the three nodes - they are clear.  So pleased.  They have to open me up again at the front to take more of the mass out - less than a centimeter as there are some pre-invasive cells that were left behind. I don't mind though - rather that then go through under my arm again which still hurts when moving - just feels tight etc and goes through to my forearm but am using arm as normal and as much as I can.  They said I am HER2 Negative and Er and Pr positive.  Trying to get my head around it though. But pleased nodes are clear.  Radio in about 6 weeks time for 3 and half weeks and then Tamoxifin for 5 or more years I guess.  Its good news, regardless of going back in for surgery next week.  They said today is a really good day for you so try not to worry, but that's another story.  Thank you for letting me know - take care and praying for you for the scan next week, but am sure you will be really fine.  When the nodes are clear - I asked today - they said it is highly unlikely it has gone anywhere else. I said are you sure another lump could not pop up somewhere else and they said no. xx  

  • Hi , I am so very pleased to read that you are node negative. I was almost nervous to write as it seemed that it would be too good to hope that we would both be node negative. So great news for us both. I am glad that they have the technology to know that they have missed a bit and although it must seem awful to have more surgery try to think of it positively that they will then have got it all. Even better is the news that it is confirmed as pre-invasive cells, thinking back to my analogy of the pea in the straw that's what you have got - all still contained within the duct , none of the little blighters escaped and become invasive. Also being oestrogen positive and HER2 negative gives them more treatment options (same as me)  It's about the best possible scenario and I am really pleased for you. Keep moving and stretching your arm!  Today is a very good day xx

  • When is your next surgery? P.s if you google original cushtie you will see it on Amazon. I found it so supportive and comfortable to rest my surgery side on in bed. Just somehow very comforting and supportive. Have only just stopped using it in bed. I am now 10 weeks after my lumpectomy and 5 weeks after  Sentinal node. Everything is very comfortable now and I don't spend all day thinking about my boob and my armpit! 

  • That's good to hear after those weeks that you are not thinking about your boob and armpit!  Thank you so much for your good wishes.  Yes I know what you mean. It seems almost too good to be true, but thank God we are very fortunate.  Surgery next Wednesday morning early which is great. Just get it over and done with..  Then start thinking about next stage.  When is your treatment going to start?xxx

  • Hi Bernienb, just to say I am thinking of you and sending you my best wishes for Wednesday. When you are up to it let me know how you are. I have bone scan on Thursday - another radioactive ion injection in my arm this time not my boob so has to be better! Then a 3 hour wait until the radioactivity has spread around my body before they do the X-rays. Don't know how long the results will be. My surgeon has just sent her letter to the oncology team so expecting an appointment fairly soon? Maybe after bone results?  I don't know about you but I asked to be copied into all the letters sent any where about me I.e surgeon to my GP etc, I find it useful to read what they say. Anyway all the best for Wednesday, take care xx

  • Hi Kalisunshine. Thanks so much for your good wishes.  I am sure all will be fine after tomorrow - just want to get it over and done with now.  Bit fed up with getting my boobs out to the world and his wife!  Never thought I would be doing that when I was 45 and sober!  I will let you know how it goes and what they say.  That is a really good idea re: cc'ing on the letters. I will definitely request this as otherwise you sometimes feel out of the loop.  Best of luck with the bone scan on Thursday.  Please let me know how you get on and I am really sure all will be well, but it is very good to get this done so you no longer have to worry.  I keep thinking what if another lump comes in the other boob - is this a possibility. They said no way.  Not now.  But that worry comes into my head- usually in the middle of the night!  Thanks again for your kind words.  I will keep you updated, and thank