vocal chord cancer (T1) laser treatment, need advice

Have had laser surgery in sept for early vocal chord t1 cancer and was told it was successful but a month ago I had a check up which revealed there has been a reacurrance ( though only small and on the surface) so have had more laser surgery in the hope that will do the trick as the surgeon says its too small to warrant radiotherapy. Has anyone else had this kind of treatment and is this usual?( reacurrance and more lasering). I'm very concerned that this treatment may not be working or that cancer may keep coming back, resulting in radiotherapy and the possibility of eventually loosing my voice box. I know its early days and I'm probably worrying too much but would be very grateful if there is anyone out there who can comment on this.

  • Hi Marion,

    Great news on your last appointment and I think the fact your ocnsultant wants to release you next year must mean he's very confident your near being cured. I think the group therapy is a great idea it will help you put things into perspective and help manage your worry as I know exactly where your coming from, the worry never really goes away but I do think now your in year 4 post treatment you can start to let your self off the hook a bit!! as far as worrying goes

    I had my check up with Rt consultant today and he had a look down and its all clear which was a relief although on this occasion I felt quite relaxed about it, don't ask me why??

    He says theres still swelling there and that the edges of the vocal chords are slightly rough from the treatment and lasering and that in time they should heal and get smoother which will improve my voice, this could take another 18 months. However i'm inclined to think this is as good as its going to get and they are perhaps being a bit optimistic, but hey I can live with it and most days am able to communicate ok which was my main worry and off course getting rid of the cancer.

    We must get together again soon, havent contacted chris as I didnt want to bother him but guess he will get in touch if he has any news.

    Anyway good luck with the group therapy and let me know how you get on and try not to worry, your almost there!!

    Speak soon.

    Andy x

  • Hi Lucky Us,

    Great news on your husbands results, you must be relieved. Sounds like he's doing really well and so good that he hasn't had to have RT or any more lasering, they must have got it v early. Hopefully things will stay this way. Well done!!

    Andy x

  • hi zarker i can see from your posts that you had t 1 cancer of the vocal chord and had laser for it etc my husband had laser on his t1 about 2 months ago and we went back for a check up last week and they found a lesion on it  so we now need to go back in for more laser and a biopsy just in case its cancer my husband and my self are scared in case its back! how many times did you have laser before they decided on rt?

  • Hi just bumping you back up to the top i see Zarker has not been on for a little while but hopefully he will see your question soon


  • thanks lucky us hope all ok xx

  • Hi there.

    Sorry to hear about your husband. As you will have read from my posts I was diognosed wirh t1 on the left vocal chord in aug 2009, a week later they lasered it and when I had my next check up after this they told me it was all clear and the lasering had done the trick. I was  obviously relieved and my voice improved and I assumed that was end of the problem.

    When I had my next check up a month later the consultant said it looked red and inflamed and he was not happy with how it looked and would keep an eye on it for another few months. The next month I went back and it was still the same so I was taken in for more laser and biopsys ( nov 09 ) which revealed it was still there so they did more lasering. Again for a few months all was fine until the following apr 2010 when he said it looked inflammed again and if it didnt improve he would need to laser again and do more biopsys, during this time my voice got worse so I suspected it had come back.

    In sept 2010 I had more laser and biopsys which revealed it had come back and it was t2 although still very early and only on the surface. This was when I was told that more lasering would permantly damage my vocal chord and that radiotherapy would be needed to clear it once and for all. I had the radiotherapy in nov 09 and completed it in jan 11 and while it was unpleasant it seems to have cleared it up and each monthly exam i've had since looked clear and normal. My voice varys a lot some days its good others bad, I think this is the effect of the RT and lasering but I have been told this will improve over time.

    This is my story but remember we are all different and you may find that your husband only needs 1 or 2 laser procedures and that may do the trick as it has with lucky us ( aptly named) and it may not have even come back so try not to get too worried ( easier said than done!) until you know more. The good thing for you is that it is only t1 which is very early and called cancer in situ which is when the cells are just changing, so this will be able to be sorted its just it can be more complicated as you can see from my story. Hope this is of some help and if you need any more help just ask. Have a read through the posts if they are not too boring!! As all our storys and details are there. Good luck for your husband and his results.

    Best Wishes Andy (zarker)

  • andy(zarker)

    thank you very much for answering me it has brought me some comfort i know i shouldnt worry but like you said easier said than done.

    i am now just going to wait until the 22nd aug for him to have the laser and then the results, (soonest th consultant can do it as on hols).

    if all well im going to b ook a week away and chill.

    thanks again

    lorna wales

  • Hi Lorna

    It's been a while since I logged in but just wanted to reiterate what Andy's said.  If you read Andy's thread from the beginning you will hopefully get a lot of answers about treatment etc as a few of us have been sharing experiences for a couple of years now.

    I had laryngeal cancer in 2007, so it's almost at my 4 year anniversary and I'm happy to say that I still have a voice and everything is fine (touch wood).  I was being monitored for 4 years before I was actually diagnosed a T2-3.  During the 4 years prior to diagnosis I had laser treatment around 3 times and probably had about 9 biopsies taken over the years.  My consultant said at the time it may never get to the cancer stage and clear up on its own so don't worry that it automatically means cancer!

    Please let us know how your husband gets on and if there's anything you want to ask in the meantime, then please ask.

    Good luck and best wishes.

    Marion x

  • thanks very much

    they already said it was t 1 cancer last time around but i think since been on this forum its made me realise and answered a lot of my questions relating to my worries.

    the only slight worry ive now got is the small nodule they said he had in his lung? anybody out there had a simiolar result would be grateful for any comments? they said it was small and not to worry but thats not so easy as ive also got an uncle who has undergone chemo and now starting rt on the 8th for lung cancer and has no family but us so i am also taking him on occassion to rt never mind the future can only get better

    thanks xxx

  • Hi all

    Just a quick up date my husband was back at clinic yesterday (3rd August) and we were lucky enough to get another all clear i still feel so blessed. we are always so scared that we wont  be so lucky. Have the all clear for another 3 months ten start all over again. on a good note at least we got the all clear to fly next year yeh bring it on.

    Good luck to all those out there still fighting this terible disease.

    Luckyus xx