chemo for after bowel cancer surgery

I am starting chemo after having bowel cancer surgery 8 weeks ago, i am terrified i dont know what to expect , i am frightened of the side effects and how my body will react is this normal or am i just being a baby

  • That was a very useful message, Carol D. I stopped the chemo (caecitabine tablets) end July after 6 months and I almost immediately felt myself again. All my energy returned. I would hate to have to go back on it - not because it was all that bad but just a bit unpredictable so I didn't feel happy about going away from home to visit friends in the country. Personally, I found being involved in voluntary work which had to be done if at all possible, was my salvation. I couldn't just collapse unless I felt really bad which I didn't. Grandchildren like Josh, are a great help. I have several older than your Josh so I think I must be older than you (78)

    One thing that may or may not be related indirectly to the chemo was an lump that developed in my groin. I couldn't believe it was malignant because I felt so well and it wasn't. It did get an abcess and burst (charming!) They are going to remove the lymph node near it but that will just be a day job hopefully.

    Good luck everyone.

  • Hi Jingles,

    I have my chemo every 2 weeks - up for my 6th this Monday

    During the week after the 5th session, I had to take my constipation pills every evening but it was uncomfortable as my appetite was all over the place

    because I was also feeling bloated. Luckily for me the 2nd week is drug free and my body has a little chance to try to get normal again. I am feeling more tired

    these days than I was previously, although I sleep very well, I dont seem to 'catch up' as much as I normally do - takes an extra 24 hours to catch up on my sleep.

    (Mind you I have just looked at the clock in the corner of my computer and seen the time!) I am very bad at going to bed at a reasonable time - always have been,

    and correspondingly bad at getting up in the morning - my bed is sooo comfy (lazy me)!!

    I have quite a few interests, I go to a couple of daytime classes (an 'Art for All' class and a singing one, we are all learning - its never too late!) as well so that I have reason to get up. I have been sort of accumulating things that I can do at home

    so that should I become more housebound I will still have things to do, if I feel like it. Dont like to be bored! I am also into genealogy and that one can do a lot of at home on line

    I calculate that my chemo stops mid February. Of course I dont know quite how I will feel then, but at some time after that (hopefully March) a couple of friends and I have

    decided to go to Paris on eurostar and see our favourite things. Another friend has also suggested a trip with eurostar to Brussels which fascinates me as I know people and

    family who have been there but I never have so I would like that too. You can get some really cheap 2-3 night stops overs in these cities esp if you book in advance. I must admit however that

    as I dont know how I will feel for example, in March and cannot predict this, I havent actually booked anything yet. Once booked, the sites I have looked at dont give refunds and are not

    transferrable, so I need to be pretty sure I am going to be able to go before I book.

    Some people seem to find that the chemo side effects kick in (they have been accumulating!) around the midway through the programme, I am just coming up to midway so am waiting

    to see how I am over the next month in the hope that this will give me some guidance. Perhaps it wont, all we can do is wait and see,.

    Your holiday booked in August is a very good idea. It is very necessary to be able to look to the future and to when this is all over with, esp a holiday!

  • Hi, Carol D

    Glad to hear you are coping quite well with the chemo - not too long for you to go now.

    I have had my 7th weekly session and find that apart from feeling tired I am not so bad.

    If you get the chance to go to Brussels do so - we went a few years ago and were very impressed with it. Lots of lovely scenery, pavement cafes, good food and shops, and of course BELGIAN CHOCOLATE!!!

    It is so nice to chat with someone who understands what you are going through. Although my husband and son are very supportive it must be hard for them to understand how I really feel. It's almost as though my body is not my own anymore - will I ever regain control of it? I sometimes think "I can't do this" but I know I have to if I want to come out the other end.

    Are you ready for Christmas? I'm determined to enjoy it and make more of it than normal this year, even though I don't know where my energy will come from. I wish you could buy it on the internet!

    Keep smiling and looking to the future. Speak to you again soon.

  • Hi Jingles

    Nice to hear from you. Yes I think we must be at much the same level, I am up for my 7th chemo on Monday and you have just had yours! I think that my chemo ends in mid February in some ways that sounds close but when I think of it in terms of weeks it seems quite a long way off yet.

    Yes I agree Brussels does sound good as does Paris - I will of course, if I am manage it, do both! Greedy me!! I reckon if I feel up to it then go for it.

    I also hope that even if between now and mid Feb I do get accumulation of side effects that they will ease off fairly quickly when the chemo stops. I feel that I 'recover' quite well in my drug free

    week I dont actually really go back to normal but even if I feel the same as I do now for example I would go on either of these short breaks - of course I would wait until I dont have my Hickman line anymore No flushing on hols thanks!

    As for Christmas, my son (and his family of course, but he does the cooking!) is doing Christmas this year so I shall be going there and dont have to cook at all.

    However I will have all the family to me a week or two before Christmas for a meal as a sort of Christmassy thank you to them. I'm going to make a trifle! I haven't made

    one in years but do like the 'real' (homemade) ones. Yummmmmmm.

    So on that sweet note I shall love you and leave you as they say. Look here I am up late again! and I have to do a bit of Xmas shopping tomorrow too! Hey ho.

    Talking of sweet, do you find that you are eating more sweet things than normal - I do. I have taken to often having drinks of hot chocolate (made with milk) whereas normally I just drink coffee. I'm also eatin more chocy bics!

    Nite nite one and all

    Cheers for now.

  • This is me right now March 2020 on 5FU everything you have mentioned I am going through with skin peeling the latest side effect. It's tough but I gotta keep going.