Anal Cancer & Prembrolizumab Corinth Trial

Hi -

I was diagnosed on the 14/9 and was due to start chemo & radiotherapy on 18/11 but haven’t yet had my radiotherapy prep yet because instead of having that on Tuesday 29/10 they now want to talk to me about going on this trial. 
I saw a post from someone on here with anal cancer who had this drug about 3 years ago and she posted that it has caused life changing side effects. 
Is anyone on this drug now? - for anal or other types of cancer that wouldn’t mind telling me how it is going. 
I’m worried also that if I agreed to go through the process of getting on this 6 month trial that it would significantly delay the start of my treatment which is supposed to be 28 rounds of radiotherapy over 5.5 weeks and Mitomycin & Capecitabine chemo. I’m stage T2 N2 and don’t want to delay any longer starting my treatment.  Thank you 

  • How did you get on with your treatment?  I’m hoping all is well. At least I sincerely hope it is. 
    I’ve had 3 treatments and due my 4th on 14 th February. We have been in Spain relaxing for the last 3 weeks and heading home tomorrow week in time to get bloods done and attend the hospital. I refuse to think that there’s anything wrong with me. I’m in great health and enjoy every minute of every day. In actual fact, there isn’t anything wrong with me since the plastic surgeon removed the cancerous lymph node. I intend to stsy this way!!!

  • Hi

    really happy to hear you’re doing so well. 
    the chemo was ok but the last 2 weeks of radiotherapy gave me awful radiation burns which got worse for a week after the treatment finished. That was 4 weeks ago & im feeling much better x

  • Hi Calia,

    You are being so brave and positive and that’s what you need to be. You faced the music head on, had side effects and now over them. Well done. Cancer is the one word that always put the fear of God into me but weirdly, with the help of God I have done remarkably well.  I think it’s the fear of the unknown but when you think about it, every day if our lives is the unknown and we don’t think a thing of it. Dsy and daily I read about or hear about many people who had cancer and are now in remission so I must conclude that these treatments are finally making an enormous difference to cancer patients lives. Not the easiest thing to go through but with the help and guidance of the doctors and nurses we are reaching the finishing line and winning the battle. Keep going. Fight the fight and put this all behind you once it’s over. I send my very best wishes to you. Please keep in touch. Xx

  • Thank you Grannyrose - yes that’s very true. I hope you continue to do well too. I’m at the hospital again on Thursday for a follow up. Hoping they can give me something for the burning feeling in my feet. I think it might be chemo induced neuropathy. Hope I’m wrong! 
    Take care xx

  • Remind me, did you agree to do the Trial or did you accept the treatment that had been offered to you?  I’m thinking you refused the Trial. 
    Time to get up now. X

  • I didn’t do the trial. The doctor was confident that the standard treatment would work and the trial wasn’t about a cure it was to see how the pembrolizumab interacted with the chemoradiation. So I decided against it as I didn’t want to delay my treatment by another 4-6 weeks and the doctors didn’t want me to delay either with it already having spread to lymph nodes in both sides of my groins. Xx

  • I’d say you made the right decision . How many treatments are you going to have? It’s so strange pumping chemicals into our lovely bodies but we don’t have a choice if we want to survive. 
    a weird thing has happened to me. I have had a rash all over me apart from my face. I’ve been putting prescribed creams onto the bad areas and mist of the rash seems to have cleared BUT all over my chest and shoulders is now mottled. Pale blotches all over. Initially I was annoyed because I’m quite vain but there’s no point in annoying myself about it. Will be interesting to hear what the consultant has to say. 
    keep going!!

  • Hi Grannyrose

    ive finished my treatment now. I had 28 days of radiotherapy and at the same time had 28 days of chemo. Both mom-Fri. Weekends off.  
    yes you must see your consultant about that. My daughter had a similar thing it came out about 10 days after her chemo and it turned out she was allergic to her chemo. So they had to change it. Take some photos of the rashes in case it goes by the time you see the consultant. Hope everything goes well xx