Waiting for liver resection surgery timeframe

Hi I have had confirmation that I need a liver resection to remove liver mets along with colon surgery does anyone know or had experience as to how long the wait is? 
has anyone been through this and can give advice on actual recovery time?

I am so worried about having the surgery and surviving it.

  • Glad that you are having both liver and colon sorted at the same time, at least you know that both areas will be removed and one lot of recovery, even though it will probably take longer than just for a liver resection.  So yes, you really need to manage your expectations.

    I was told not to worry about the risk of dying on the table, that I would have 8 people in there whose sole job was to keep me alive.  Its the risk of complications afterwards that can be the dodgy times, hence breathing exercises as lung infections can be very dangerous.

    Not sure if you have got a digital thermometer, if not, its handy to have one.  When I was worried about increased pain and rang my nurse, the first thing they asked was what my temp was, possible infection needs to be monitored.

    I think my main task now is to try not to think too far ahead, I have accepted that it may well be cancer, but human nature is to want to speed ahead with worries of what comes next?  Will i need further treatment and if so, what?  And also, if so where?  I had my op at our nearest liver specialist centre, not my local hospital, not the easiest to get to.  But, I have to ignore all that and just carry on getting better at this stage.

    As my mum used to say, 'why worry about something that may never happen.  If required you will find the strength that you need, as and when you need it!'. I think that we are all a lot stronger than we think.

    Always here if you need a chat.


  • Thanks Annie that’s good to know about the infection and I do have a thermometer just need to check it’s got batteries your such an inspiration look after yourself and don’t push yourself too hard thanks for all the advice x


  • Hi Annie 

    got my confirmed date 12th November how are you doing? I’m trying to get Christmas sorted now before as well as keeping fit. 
    have you had any news back? / results? 