Diagnosis before biopsy results

Today hasn’t been the best of days, but really trying to put a smile on my face and keep a positive mind.

Last week I went to my gp as I found a small lump in my right breast, on examination it was determined that I fit the 2 week criteria for referral to the breast clinic. 

Just under 2 weeks my appointment was booked.   

Today was my breast clinic appointment and it’s not what I expected, I was taken to a room to get into a gown, a surgeon seen me first with a nurse to examine me, he asked me to identify the area and then proceeded to examine me, he was quick to mark the area with a cross of where he identified the lump, he asked if it was ok for the nurse to also examine me so she could tell the difference between both breasts, which I agreed.

I was then sent for a mammogram on both breast for comparison not that anything was suspicious in my left breast. I was then asked to sit outside where I waited and was called for an ultrasound scan , once in the room the nurse said a doctor will be coming to scan me, as soon as she scanned me, she said that biopsies were required and she would take 3 of them.

I was surprised it wasn’t painful in anyway, a needle was put in the area of the site of the lump and then the biopsies were performed. I was then asked to put my gown back on and sit in the waiting area, again after some time I was called back to the first room I was originally examined by the surgeon. The surgeon then told me that the lump is sinister, trying to take in what he had just said, I asked for clarification that he believed the lump is sinister to which he responded with yes, that’s why the biopsies were preformed. 

The surgeon left the room and the kind nurse made me a cup of tea, gave me a much needed hug and discussed depending the results will depend what treatment is required 

I am struggling because I didn’t think such news would be shared until biopsy results were back with certainty and I just felt and still feel numb  

Now I’m really struggling to comprehend all this and being a glass half full kind of lady,  I keep telling myself it’s not confirmed until I go back Wednesday next week for the results, but my head is all over and I can’t stop breaking down crying.  

I just needed to get this down on paper so to speak, to hopefully help me digest and hopefully feel support from an amazing people on here. 


  • Hi Cyberprofessional, I think the waiting for results is the most stressful bit. My anxiety was through the roof at this time. The day I had my biopsies done, I came home and had a really good cry. Although they told me they couldn't be sure it was cancer at this time, I felt I knew at this point it was. I'd had cysts on previous occasions, but this felt different. Once I got the diagnosis and a treatment plan I was much calmer. I just realised I could not go through treatment with the same anxiety I had been feelling while waiting for the results, I felt it would be detrimental my recovery. I have been eating healthily, walking every day and am doing well. I had my 5th cycle of chemo today and it has been going well, with minimal side effects. I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and that you get good news. If the news isn't what you are hoping for, I'm always here for a chat, if you need it. Xx

  • Just had a call from the hospital Brest clinic, they have moved my appointment for results to next Wednesday the 5th as my results are not back. They did say if they come back they will call me. Not sure how I can hold it together , it’s been awful since my appointment Friday gone, not sure I can hold it together, my anxiety is through the roof. 

  • Oh no, I'm do sorry to hear that, I really do understand how stressful the waiting can be. I recently had to wait three weeks for lung ct results. I had to have follow up scan as they found nodules on my lungs when I had first scan. They had told me that lots of people have nodules, especially since covid. Results eventually came back saying nodules are stable and have not grown. Not sure yet if I'll need another scan in a few months. I have to go for a second echocardiogram on the12th June, as I am on phesgo injections, due to being HER2 positive. This can affect heart function, so has to be monitored. It is still difficult waiting for results, but you do get used to it as your journey goes on. Try to stay positive, you may hopefully get good news. Please let me know how you get on. Xx

  • What a journey you have had and are still on and yet you come across so positive, I hope your treatment is kind to you as much as possible and sending you love and strength.

    I agree with you on when you know and have a plan in place I think this feeling will go, it’s the not knowing and not being in control of the situation that is really impacting me, hopefully they will call me before next Wednesday.

    Take care and I will follow your journey , let me know how you get on xx

  • Oh blinking heck, not what you needed. Totally understand where you're coming from, waiting is torture. I guess all you can do is dig deep and take a day at a time. Try and get out in the fresh air and get a bit of joy out of each day, you have a life whatever awaits and worrying steals your joy. Easy to say I know but were here if you want to talk or vent xx

  • My husband is a really positive person and has been a great influence on me, as I'm normally a real worrier. We decided that being positive would help my recovery and I truly believe it is doing that. I'm sure you'll feel much better once you know what's happening. Take care,  I'll be thinking about you and really hoping your news will be good. Xx

  • Update on my results, today the hospital have confirmed I’ve got breast cancer, it’s 2cm lump so I’ve caught it early, it’s oestrogen fed so have to stop taking HRT and I will be prescribed a tablet reduce my levels.

    I’m back at the hospital this Friday with breast nurse, as they need to know my HER2 result as that will determine my treatment, I’m booked in for breast surgery on the 27th of June, followed by 15 rounds of radiotherapy, however , depending what the HER2 result is and what the oncologist says as it’s on the cusp with size, treatment may flip and be chemo, surgery then radiotherapy.

    It’s a lot to take in right now , we’re obviously upset and my heads been all over the place the last few weeks waiting, our hardest job was telling our 3 beautiful sons the news and reassurance that I will be ok. I’m keeping positive and just need to get underway with treatment xx

  • Thank you , I appreciate your message x

  • Hi there hope you are coping, know how you are feeling. I have been diagnosed with breast cancer for the 2nd time in less than 5 years. Last time had lumpectomy and 15 sessions of radiotherapy. My tumour is 5.9 cm and need mastectomy. Had result of HER2 and negative. They will check Oncotype DX after surgery to see if chemo required. My surgery is 12 June. You are right, it’s such a lot to take in, and same as you we have three sons and it was so hard telling them the news (again). Glad to hear you have a supportive husband same as me who is keeping your spirits up. I am remaining positive but anxious now the operation date is getting closer but ready to get on with it and start my recovery.

    All love and best wishes to you and keep in touch xx