Mum diagnosed today with lung cancer

Hi everyone, 

my mum started coughing up blood a couple of weeks ago.  Went to a&e, had chest X-ray, was told it was pneumonia, had a temp plus bloods showed infection.  They decided to do CT scan too.  Meanwhile she’s been having back pain which has got significantly worse the last few weeks, was told it was a bulging disc.  She’s been in such agony so organised a private appointment for this issue, with the hope to get spinal injections.  They said she needed MRI first.  Went back to private doctor yesterday, results showed she had 3 fractures in her back.  Doctor asked if she had cancer, my mum said no, but that she fell in December and broke her ankle so it was then thought the fractures were from then.  Doctor said she needed CT scan next and could come back next week for epidural injections for back pain (she had CT scan last week for coughing up blood so when results back she could use that)  So that was that. Then this morning she had a routine appointment at hospital to check blood for infection (pneumonia) plus to get CT results.  Dropped her off, no thoughts of anything, absolutely no worry of cancer.  Picked my mum up.  She was told she has lung cancer.  I was so shocked as was she, that’s never been a thought.  On way home I said mum I’m sure they can do something.  She said she has to go back for MRCP.  I kept asking questions, she wasn’t sure of answers and said doctor has put it all in her notes in an envelope.  Took her home, read it, few things written including upper lobe bronchogenic carsinoma.  But it also said bony metastatis T10 and L4.  We are confused what this means?  Anyone have any ideas? Is that the cause of her bad back? I’ve googled but the doctor never said about anything spreading, is this what it means? 
hope this all makes sense, I’m so exhausted and worried about my mum

  • Hello May05, 

    What a rollercoaster it must have been for you all since she started coughing up blood a couple of weeks ago. Your poor mum with three fractures on her back too and what a shock the lung cancer diagnosis must have been for you all. It's totally understandable that on her way home after finding out your mum couldn't quite answer the questions you asked her; it must have all been a bit of a blur for her after getting her diagnosis and sometimes the doctor's notes can be hard to decipher or comprehend. It does sound though like there is bone metastasis unfortunately and our website has information you might find helpful on metastatic lung cancer. I would suggest though that you talk to her doctor about these medical notes and ask all the questions that spring to your mind about what the terminology in the notes means and what exactly the bone metastasis refers to and if it is likely to be the cause of her bad back. It can be tempting when receiving complex notes like this to try and understand their meaning by looking things up on Google but your mum's medical team will also be best placed to tell you whether the cancer has spread and what treatment might be available to her. 

    Our cancer nurses may also be able to answer some of your questions so don't hesitate to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm (but closed this bank holiday Monday and also exceptionally this Thursday 9th May due to staff training). 

    It must be a truly exhausting time for you and I just wanted you to know we are here for you and I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have also been affected by lung cancer and that they will be happy to share their experience for you. Your poor mum has been through so much lately and I hope that they manage to find out exactly what is wrong with her, whether the cancer has spread or not and that you get some clarity soon on all this from her medical team. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator