Nuttella - daughter has been diagnosed with stage 3 oesophageal cancer

My daughter has just been diagnosed with stage 3  oesaphageal cancer at the age of 50, she is due to have a laparoscopy and then chemo radiotherapy. I would be very interested to hear any views or opinions, personal or otherwise on this type of cancer and the treatment involved.

  • Hello, i have recently been told i have a tumour high up in the esophagus. I went to my gps many times asking for a referal as it was hard to swallow, was getting sore throats. No gp would see me, was prescribed anti reflux, 2 lots of antibiotics, naxoprane, omeprazole. I was choking and went in to gps demanding to see a doc. The dotor told the receptionist that she had already told me to go to a & e and would not see me. I spoke to the hospital, went in and got diagnosed wth cancer. The gp stated she had done an urgent referral??? I am awaiting test results bt know it has been found in my neck nodes. I dont know what type of cancer it is bt i know it is growing fast.

    I am so angry wth my gp and will be taking action.

    I am so angry and very sad and feel desperate.

  • Hello

    I'm sorry that you had such a hard time getting a referral. I had swallowing problems for about 18 months that I ignored before I ended up going to the local walk in centre as I couldn't swallow my own saliva and they sent me to a&e. I was in hospital for a couple of weeks whilst I had a glucose drip then nasal feeding tube then stomach feeding tube fitted. Then it was another 6 weeks before chemo started.

    I hope that things move more quickly now. Let me know what your test results say and what the treatment plan is. 

    It is an incredibly worrying time. Please keep in touch. 


  • Hi Glenis

    How is your daughter getting on? 
