Liposarcoma - have moved from Pre-diagnosis

My operation is called Resection retroperitoneal sarcoma left nephrectomy left hemicolectomy splenectomy? Distal pancreatectomy.

  • Hi Mary,

    I sincerely hope that you are gradually making some progress with your recovery. It will be slow at first, but take heart - there are sunnier days ahead.


    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary,

    Another week has passed since I last contacted you and I hope that you are beginning to make some progress We are still thinking of you and wishing you well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello Mary ,hope recovery is going ok .Keep in touch xxx

  • Hi Mary,

    I hope that by now you are not feeling too uncomfortable and that you are beginning to make some progress. I hope that your husband has managed on his own at home and that you have been able to chat to one another regularly, without missing one another too much. Is there any chance that you might even manage to get home for Christmas? 

    I continue to think about you daily, along with many other forum members. Sending you healing vibes and I sincerely hope that you manage to have a peaceful,  but Happy Christmas and I wish you A Happy and Healthier New Year.

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary I just wanted to say "Happy Christmas"  and to wish you all the very best on your recovery and for the new year ahead , as Jolamine said we think about you often wondering how you are doing ,Best Wishes to you and your husband  

    Jenny xxx

  • Thank you. I was told that, although the operation (7 hours) was successful, there were complications afterwards. I was in clinical care twice with dialysis the second time for a while. Was there for five and a half weeks. Back home now, full recovery 3 - 4 months. I had no idea how weak and tired I would be. Thank God for good surgeons! 

  • Thank you. I was told that, although the operation (7 hours) was successful, there were complications afterwards. I was in clinical care twice with dialysis the second time for a while. Was there for five and a half weeks. Back home now, full recovery 3 - 4 months. I had no idea how weak and tired I would be. Thank God for good surgeons! 

  • Hi Mary,

    Thank you for the update. It is great to hear from you again and to know that, despite the setbacks, you have finally made it home. and are on the road to recovery. This was a big operation, which is why you had such an eminent surgeon, entrusted with your care. You are bound to feel weak and tired. All you can do is to listen to your body. Don't try to do too much and relax when you need to.

    I hope that your husband managed ok while you were in hospital and that, he's learned enough housekeeping skills in your absence, to take care of you now!

    Kindest regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Mary I'm so very happy to hear from you  ,I've thought about you often ,I'm over the moon the operation was successful what wonderful talented people ,God certainly gave them a wonderful gift ,you have all the time in the world to get back on your feet so just take each Day as it comes and recover at your leisure ,no doubt your husband will be thrilled to have you home ,I hope you go from strength to strength and enjoy your lives together again ,Best Wishes Mary stay in touch when you can xxx

  • Hi Mary,

    I am thinking of you and just wondered how your recovery is going. Hopefully, you've not had any more set backs? I expect that you are still feeling weak and tired - unfortunately, this takes some time to go.

    Take care.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx