I would love to hear from anyone that's had internal radiotherapy for cervical cancer.
I'm absolutely terrified of going through this procedure and hope someone that's been through this can give me advice on how they coped.
I would love to hear from anyone that's had internal radiotherapy for cervical cancer.
I'm absolutely terrified of going through this procedure and hope someone that's been through this can give me advice on how they coped.
Excellent news! I’m so glad for you!
Hi Lou
Ive just come across your post as I’ve recently been diagnosed with CC stage 3C1 and will have to have chemoradiation.
Just had a PET-CT last night and have appointment on 23rd to get my treatment okan
Just wanted to say so happy for you with your MRI results and really I guess, I’m just wondering how you found all the treatment?
Hiya, going on a forum like this was the best thing I did as I was getting so worked up at the beginning, and it seem to help me get some perspective. I hope you find it helpful too.
I found the chemo and radiotherapy to be painless, but had a few stomach issues, but it was manageable with the tablets they gave me. I had tinnitus anyway, but it has got worse i think due to the chemo, but that is probably just because I've had issies with my ears since i was young. I didn't have any sickness or experience and hair loss. I did get extremely tired especially nearer the weekend and just had to rest as much as I could Saturday and Sunday.
I was absolutely terrified about the internal radiotherapy, but for me it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was thinking. I had a general anesthetic, which was the best option for me. I didn't find it painful while the applicators where in, it was just a bit uncomfortable, but I got use to it. Taking the applicators and packing out didn't take long, and they gave me morphine which took the edge off any pain. If you feel any pain during the time you're having the brachytherapy make sure you say, as they will manage it.
I wish you all the best, and I hope your treatment goes well xx
Thank you so much for replying Lou, I really appreciate it - there’s nothing quite like hearing someone’s personal experience as it alleviates some of the anxiety that just reading online can generate!
So grateful, thank you.
And really pleased for you :-) xx