Petrified of chemo


I've been diagnosed with IDC, Stage 1, grade 2. I am grateful it's been caught early & that there is a route for treatment. I am 41, otherwise a healthy woman. am also aware that others have much worse to deal with. But I'm so so very frightened. I feel like a little girl. I am a single mum to two girls aged 6 & 8 and we've already been through so much trauma as a family. I'm worried how I will cope and how they will. I want to be their mummy and, be able to look after them. I don't know what I'm doing writing this at 4am, but I guess I thought I would put it out there x 

  • Hello Michelle,


    Thank you for your message. I'm so sorry you're going through this too. 
    The fear is very very overwhelming and not being able to protect my children from seeing their mummy go through this is so hard. Xx

  • Thank you so much for your encouraging reply. I'm sorry that you're going through this also.

    My little girls have already been through so much, which is another reason I'm finding it so tough. Like you say, I want to protect them but some things I just can't. I haven't told them yet- trying to get my own head around it first. 
    I do have a good family around me and friends that love me and a new (!) boyfriend, so I'm grateful for that. Xx

  • Not being able to protect the children is the TOUGHEST part by far. So far my son has been unaware, apart from after the lumpectomy when I told him not to jump on me because of my 'ouchy boob'. And I just can't bring myself to talk to him about mummy being sick, or can't play because I'm tired, or why my hair is falling out.

    One thing that has helped me is talking to other mums who've been through it. Most that I've spoken to have said it's very doable. And yes it's hard, but actually, having the kids helps you not overthink because we simply don't have the time. So I'm going into this with the expectation that my son will keep me distracted and while he's at school I will just sleep.

    When do you start chemo hun? X

  • Hi lucyb112,

    I was diagnosed with grade 3, IDC last Tuesday and have my wide local excision this Wednesday coming.

    I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and if you ever need to chat, I'm here. I am 44 and have three boys, 20, 16 and 13 and understand how difficult it must be with children that are younger. 

    After surgery, I'll be having chemo, I'm really worried about the side effects too  

    You will be a brilliant Mommy to your girls regardless of what you will have to face and you'll show them how to kick cancers ***!!

    We've got this x

  • I'm so glad you have support. Sending you lots of love and strength in your recovery Xx 

  • Hi Lucy, I do feel for you. Have you been told you will need chemo? I've just finished 7 rounds of chemo, every three weeks. It was mostly bearable and manageable with all the meds they give you to help you cope. But I think what helped me most was keeping as active as I could from the moment I got my diagnosis and I tried to walk outdoors every day, even through chemo. It really helps with fatigue and side effects in general, as well as helping you cope mentally. There's information about cancer "prehabilitation" here. You may also want to get a copy of the book "The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer" by Liz O'Riordan and Trisha Greenhalgh. It's a few years old now but full of really useful information and coping strategies. I had a few days when I really didn't feel up to much, but on the whole my body and mind coped really well. Not everyone gets really bad side effects. Having said that, don't be afraid to ask for help from family/friends/neighbours. I'm sure they'll be only too happy to support you. I wish you all the best with your treatment. Don't forget that everyone on this forum is here to help in any way. xx