Coughing after lung lobectomy

My dad had half of his left lung removed 6 months ago. He had non small cell lung cancer stage 2. They found no trace of it in his lymph nodes. He is doing well apart from the daily discomfort. The only thing that really bothers him is the cough he now has. The nurses and doctors have all said it can be a side affect after surgery. He is having his 6 months check up CT scan next week. As a family we are all on pins. He had an X-ray about 7 weeks ago because of the cough and that came back clear. Is anybody on here who has had this type of operation that has suffered a cough since having it done? 

  • Hi I had my left lobe removed in jan this year with no further treatment but I keep getting a dry cough I have had my 6 month ct scan which was clear is anyone else experiencing anything like I am 

  • Hi since my Dad had his upper left lung removed in April 2019 he's done nothing but cough. He's been told it's normal and it will either ease or stay. I think it's probably going to stay to be honest.  He's just had his 2nd CT on Tuesday just gone. This was brought forward as he's experiencing breathlessness which has got worse recently. He went to the Drs and his resting heart rate was 140bpm. He was sent straight to A&E. A few hours later he was sent home without an answer just blood pressure tablets and told to chase his CT scan. He's also had a heart scan to confirm no extra fluid which came back fine. We are just waiting for his CT results now. 

  • Hi, I had the same op in April 2019, still have cough every now and then, but im not to concerned, still feel really  well. Hope you're dad improves, tell him have a positive attitude it helps.

  • Hi there, I had my lobectomy in august 2019 and the first year I was on x rays every 3 months. I was told I needed a ct scan every year so had this done in February this year and am due an x Ray in the next couple of weeks. I'm now on 6 months check ups so I'm assuming x Ray then ct scan etc etc. I am fortunate that I can ring the surgeons secretary if I'm worried about anything, could you try to contact yours to ease your mind. Hope this helps

    stay well



  • I sm 6 weeks post lower left lobectomy 

     Yes i too now have a cough.   Saw doc last week. He said lungs clear  but if it continues i will ask for another xray.