Back at work

Hi, I finished treatment for a grade 3 Breast cancer end of July. Had lumpectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. Went back to work in October, I still feel tired a lot of the time, exhausted by the end of my shift, I’ve actually felt as if I could fall asleep while driving home often. Am I being pathetic, should I be coping better by now? I feel only others who have been there can answer that, I’m not looking for sympathy, but appreciate any opinions x

  • I’ve got a conversation arranged with said ******** for mid January. Unfortunately, this is part if a wider issue where I work, I’ve told him and made it clear that I will carry it through, that if I don’t get some support, I will go back off sick and cite work induced stress and poor management as the reason. Work stress is one of the few things that gets the organisation I work for off it’s corporate backside.  

    I went back to work on a phased return, that was planned right from the start of treatment. What I went back to was the expectation that a) I was fully fit and the the phasing was to get used to being at work again and b) a full workload on part time hours. Very little had been done whilst I was absent and I had that to catch up as well. 

    Sorry for the rant. 

  • No worries about the rant, that's what the forum is for :-)

    My own phased return involved reduced hours and reduced responsibilities - especially some line management duties. These included, ironically, managing a colleague's phased return to work ;-)

    Maybe your boss needs to be given a definition of a phased return ... here's one I tripped over when I was researching for my own purposes

    Good luck!



  • Oh my goodness your return work dosnt sou d very encouraging don't know when I get to do all that .work have been supportive I go in every few weeks for to give my boss update also my youngest son works there as well and feel it stops people keep asking him .I'll probably be off least year been off since august this year hope for surgery February time then more chemotherapy then another operation don't know if radiotherapy is on cards . hubby don't want me to return work but I think I want to try part time .don't think I'll ever manage full time again .I think my employer has to be guided by occupational health but we shall see .plus I shall be wanting to earn bit money again .

  • Oh need some one like you as my manager then .

  • I had my last chemo in the middle of September and went back to work beginning of October, with a few days off afterwards for radiotherapy.

    In hindsight, that was too soon and I'm paying for it now. Seven months after finishing chemo, I still do nothing but work and crash out on the sofa in the evenings.

    I also think I'm being pathetic and should be coping better, but seeing so many people saying they have the same problem, maybe we're just normal!

    Trying hard to just get through this phase - it's got to get better eventually, surely?!

  • Bosses don't understand. All they see is you, not pulling you weight, so to speak. I had a fair bit of my colon out and now I am on my last session of adjutant chemo tablet's. I too had to take holiday time for my treatment. I too feel tired and and need to rest up, more often than normal (what's normal now)but bosses seem to think, once it's over you should function pretty much as you did. (short memories). I am going to go on a four day week. They don't like the idea but I have to think of my health, in the long term Still, there are people worse off than me, so onward's and upward's.

  • You are legally entitled to "reasonable adjustments" - MacMillan have some good advice on this but compliance is at best patchy especially with small businesses.


  • I was diagnosed late with prostate cancer and put on chemo after a short period..had a bad first session but decided to keep things as normal as possible and went back to work (builder) the physical element quickens the metabolism and helps distribute the drugs quicker...far from losing hair I had it all off at the barbers as I didnt want my grandson to see it all falling out...and its growing back nicely even on my 'bald patch' , energy levels vary from day to day but overall I am coping with the demands I am puting on my body....I keep ultra possitive as I beleive you need that mindset...Keep Strong mate!!!
