Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi all my forum buddies. Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began. Hope to see you here. Jules
Hi Sue
Hope the catch up with your relatives went well. Know what you mean about the 'have'nt you grown' comment as have often been guilty of it being the first thing out of my mouth ha ha.
A busy day back at work (back to being on my own now that Christmas over) as apart from usual customer service also have to try and get department back to new layout ( will take rest of this week I think!!). After 17 years in the job should be used to the format by now but 'goalposts' keep changing!!! Still hopeful that next discussion with Manager will lead to me dropping another shift which will leave me just two days a week to put up with it.
Been very naughty this evening having polished off a few 'sweetie' leftovers so will probably get a grilling at the gym tomorrow when I go back (thankfully have until end of Jan to sort myself out and get back on the straight and narrow before next assessment). Maybe I should power walk to see Mum tomorrow rather than take a stroll. Hope you feeling okay. Take care Jules x
Hi jules, just back from the day with the family and it was lovely to see them all again. The children (ten & six) were a little shy to start with but soon relaxed and were chatting away like anything, when they weren't playing on their ipads that is! We had a nice lunch then they all went off to take the dog for a walk along the beach while I cleared up. More chatter before an early supper and then a quick getaway in my case although I think they were planning to leave soon after as they had a bit of a journey to get home. All in all a good day.
Sorry to hear that you have already lost your Christmas helper at work and I hope you get your desired reduced hours sooner rather than later.
Hope your Mum's visit goes well tomorrow and that she is in a chatty mood for you. Good luck at the gym too.
Have also been naughty over the Christmas break (let's face it, who hasn't?) I am doing quite well on not eating chocolates, it's just the sheer volume of big meals! I usually only have one meal a day but have been munching at least two recently and having puddings, lovely they have been too! One more splurge to come on New Years Eve then, that's it I''ll be good again, honest!
Rest day tomorrow which I am looking forward to as I seem to have somehow caught Brian & Mrs.B's cold. Felt fine all morning then on the dot of 3.00pm I started sneezing and now have the obligatory thick head and achy joints. At least I'll be able to see it off before going back to work next week.
Gave myself another mini haircut yesterday but not sure it's quite right. Thankfully, it grows like weed so I can have another tidy up soon!
Take care Sue xx
Good morning Jules,
Was pleased to read youve had a good time over Cristmas with your family. Bet you enjoyed playing games with the young ones. But sorry to read you have so much to do to get your dept back to normal , plus all your normal work on top.
Mrs B had a nice surprise when our three grandchildren phoned to thank us for their presents. I however didnt get to speak to them as I was in the bath, No comments about playing with plastic ducks please. We are both feeling a bit better allthough I will have to visit the dentist as soon as I am fully recovered as one of my teeth has broken. My son and family bought Mrs B a piece of thin plywood that has been laser cut to show a family of owls. He bought this at a large craft fair for her. Its very delicate but she was over the moon with it. Photo attached. They bought me a dvd called Spirit Of Trees which I am very pleased with.
Hope you Tuesday visits to your mum goes well today and also your visit to the gym afterwards. With regard to eating naughty stuff, I think we are all guilty if this, I know I am.
Take care, will speak again soon. Sending best wishes and kind thought your way, Brian
Morning Sue
A quick note to wish you all the best for your appointment today and hope all those questions you prepared get good answers.
Visit to Mum was difficult as she was down in the dumps and had not enjoyed the Christmas period (apparently refusing to open her presents on a daily basis). The long and the short of it is much the same as every Christmas I can remember - she just loathes it. I spent time with her, opened her cards and gifts for her and put them in her room. I expect I will get them back in due course - such a sad situation for her and there is nothing I can do to change the state of mind that makes her this way hey ho. The staff are keeping a close eye on her as usual.
I went to the gym and even though had only been away a week felt a little rusty. Will soon get back into regular 3/4 visits a week and need to stop eating the 'naughty' food. Just a few bits left now and have given most of the unopened goodies away to help with 'temptation' issues ha ha. Will begin healthy shopping again this weekend and regain focus..... I hope!!
Will be thinking of you today and do take care. Hugs Jules x
Hi Brian
Loving Mrs B's new owl work and can imagine she was ove the moon with it. Shame that you missed the call from your grandchildren but am sure you will make amends and chat with them soon (probably already have!!).
I am looking at my beautiful Christmas tree and will feel a little sad when I have to dismantle it and put away all the bits and pieces for another year - always feels a little drab for a few days afterwards!! Still, I need to start to get planning for work to be carried out and though dreading the upheavel (especially having the re-wiring done throughout) I am hoping the end result will be worth it. Will begin the phone calls to work force in a week or so and hope for the best as to the eventual outcome.
Sadly Mum's spirits were very low yesterday (not entirely unexpected but a difficult visit nonetheless). The staff are keeping a close eye on her and we may have to involve the mental health team again. I am hoping they can manage to keep her where she is with careful monitoring but this will depend on her condition as there are the other residents to consider alongside her own needs. The council's yearly assessment of her situation is due again in April.
Well, it's very very windy here this morning but so far dry. Am off to work shortly so had best sign off for now and wish you and Mrs B an improving day. Take care of yourselves. Hugs Jules x
Hi Jules, sorry your Mum wasn't so good yesterday, it must be so hard for you to try and remain upbeat and I hope she rallies soon for your sake as well as her own.
Have just returned from my appointment with mixed feelings. Although I took my list of questions I didn't get the chance to ask anything before I burst into tears and made a fool of myself! After a rather quick, not to say painful, examination he said that some women react badly to the treatment and I was obviously one of them. He is booking a mammogram for March and will refer me to the pain clinic in the meantime to try and sort out some better pain relief. He couldn't give me a time scale so I am not holding my breath on that one! I can always call my nurse with the questions I didn't ask but I had rather hoped for more from today (although I'm not really sure what) and feel like I am in limbo, again.... still, a few more days off yet before heading back to work so that's something. Take care Sue xx
Hi Sue
It probably does not feel like you achieved much but by showing your emotions the consultant could at least see how everything is affecting you and the pain is something that definitely needs sorting for you to cope day to day. When you have had time to reflect perhaps a call to your breast nurse can get some of those answers for you. Feel free to PM me if you want to offload. Sending a big virtual hug. Jules xx
Hi Sue,
I do hope they can sort out better pain relief for you. I dont think you nade a fool of yourself at all.You have been going trough a very traumatic experiance for some while and its so easy to let our feelings get the better of us. Sometime those feelings bubble up to the surface. I hope afterwards you felt a little better, even though you didnt get to ask the questions you wanted. Enjoy you time off work and all the very best for the New Year, Brian.
Hi Brian, thank you for your kind words, as always. I do try not to let things get the better of me but this particular issue seems to have gone on for so long now that it's difficult sometimes to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even though I know it's there... as the chap yesterday said, the surgery was the easy bit, it's the blooming treatment that's done the damage!
Love Mrs.B's owls by the way, very sweet, and talking of plastic ducks, I have one in my shower!
Take care and Happy New Year to you and Mrs.B. Let's hope 2016 is a better one for all of us.
Sue x
Hi Jules,
Just to let you know, I will be thinking of you today on your first anniversary. I am sure you will have mixed emotions today but let me just say this. I never knew your husband but I am absolutely sure he would be very, very proud of you the way you have coped with what life has thrown at you during the past year. I think all of us on here are too. You have had a very hard year, dealing with your mothers situation at the home with the social people and with your mothers illness and with the mess up with the paper work for the funeral, but through out it all, you have still kept your lovely sense of humour and your willingness to help others on here. Truly amazing.
Sending lots of hugs and kind thoughts your way, your forum buddy, Brian.