My Journey Continues

Hi all my forum buddies.  Just wanted to post on a new thread as it is more relevant than where my journey began.  Hope to see you here. Jules

  • Hi Brian

    Was a little late going out today but made it into town for a wander and picked up a few new bits for the garden birds (I also got an 'insect hotel' for Christmas so have now put that up too).  Have purple crocus and snowdrops in the front garden.

    Hope your next cancer meeting goes as well as the others - it certainly keeps you on your toes and they must really welcome the input.  Will keep my fingers crossed  that your 'wheels' are not too poorly, always a worry when you are dependent on them.

    After over a year of taking washing to launderette I am sure new machine will be a great novelty ha ha.Have never had one with a dryer before but followed son's recommendation as they have  been delighted with theres.  Will only use the dryer when weather bad as I love to have the washing outside whenever possible.

    Well just waiting for a neighbour to pop by regarding hubby's car and then will get down to preparing tonight's dinner.  Take care and all the best to you and MrsB (hope she gets flowers and you get nuts)

    Sending good thoughts and hugs your way.  Jules x

  • Hi Kathy

    Hopefully my knickers will remain 'secure'.Never had a 'combination' washer dryer before but recommendation by son (they have had no problems with theres) and it comes with 10yr guarantee so will be hell to pay if it does not live up to expectations ha ha. My Mum always went to the launderette (right up until she was 82 (never gave in to  much modern technology).  Used to use a spin dryer for her handwashing and as a child I vaguely remember the dreaded 'mangle'  Oops showing my age now.

    Hope today has been easier for you. Emotions come at the most oddest of times!  I suspect that although I  have never driven, it will be somewhat strange when hubby's car is no longer parked outside.

    Off to prepare dinner for this evening.  Take care forum buddy.  Hugs  Jules x


  • Hello Jules dont worry about your panties ,I have had a washer dryer for years its a Hotpoint and it has worked hard and works well, I just have to half the wash load to dry it ,im sure it will save you having to take it launderette and will pay for itself in no time The weather turned out nice no rain had sun and 11degs nice as expected rain..  I went to my sons for a lovely roast beef dinner today so need to cook today ..I hope you enjoy your meal Jules  take care lovely lady .Big hug  ...Sueanne Xx

  • Hi Jules, well, your thread is certainly making me chuckle - all this talk of perished elastic! Haha! Also love reading about the birds visiting your garden. We have a bird table, but I think the fact we have a big ginger cat snoozing nearby, is putting off any feathered friends (they obviously don't know that he's too lethargic and lacking in agility to be of any threat to them!) Also, we're a bit haphazard with putting food out for them! Although today, the table is heavily laden with a failed Swiss roll that partner made for step mum's birthday! (Heavy being the key word! Haha!) luckily, effort number two was much more palatable. So our weekend has mainly been scoffing cake it seems, (lots of birthdays in January - many 'goats' in the family!) that includes Paddy too, who is one today! Let's hope this milestone makes a difference to his behaviour (somehow, I don't think so!) Well, will finish by wishing you well for next week - I know you've lots to do, but thankfully have your daughter alongside you (and little Zack to raise the smiles) Take care, hugs Jo xx
  • Not knowing the importance of good knicker elastic - I bought some recently to stitch into my favourite (and 20 year old) wooly. Its good and holds it up nicely. Fully aprove of decent elastic! 

    Glad things are looking roses for you and good luck with the the stuff next week

    your friend 

    steven xx

  • Hi Steven

    Glad to know (I think!) that you have wonderful elastic and cannot believe how my thread diversifies ha ha!

    Strange and difficult day yesterday.  Hubby's car was moved from outside the house (I do not drive and it has been sold) and I was surprised at my emotions when this took place. Then heard that my son's car had, in his words, 'been totalled' when he had been hit whilst returning home from a weekend away(this being after it had been broken into whilst in France!!). He was lucky to get away with a sore shoulder but it left me feeling very shaky. This month has certainly given the family difficult times. Need to take a few deep breaths and gather my thoughts as off to see solicitors re Probate later.

      To lighten the mood later I am dropping by a good friend for some 'catching up'and a cuppa.  Time is passing by and I am back to work a week today and am still wondering how I will cope - little by little I guess would be my own answer.

    Hope you and your wife are doing ok.  Take care   Jules x 

  • Morning sueanne

    Glad you were treated to Sunday Roast (always enjoy it but especially good if someone else doing the cooking!!).

    Yesterday was a up and down day.  I got into town for a couple of hours and treated my garden birds to some new feed/feeders. After lunch I watched as hubby's car was driven away with mixed emotions (had not expected it to affect me quite so much) - I don't drive and it has been sold(neither children wanted it).  Still, another little step taken. I let the children know only to get a message back from my son telling me that he had just had his car 'totalled' by a taxi and was being taken home by my son in law -  you could not write a story like mine at present!!! Thankfully he suffered just a sore shoulder (assume from seatbelt).This followed the car being broken into whilst he was in France!  As my daughter says surely things can only get better!!!

    Off to see solicitors later so need to get my 'business head on' but am calling on a friend afterwards for a cuppa and catch up.  Hard to believe that I go back to work in a week and beginning to feel nervous about that step too (must try and stop over-thinking everything and take it as it comes!).

    Gloomy and damp this morning but promised brighter weather later. Hope you have a good stroll with Rusty.  Take care  Jules x 

  • Good morning Jules,

    Just thought I would message you while I wait for the plastic delivery that will then keep me busy for the next day or two. 

    Sorry to hear that your son has had such a bad time with his car lately and it is hardly surprising that his problems added to the sale of Hubby's car has hit you emotionally which is no doubt easily done right now. As you said to Steven, just take things little by little and day by day.

    Sorry but I wasn't explaining myself very well earlier but my catch up with Claire will just be a phone call.  There is nothing I would like more than to see her but that is still a way off yet. In the meantime Hannah will be getting herself ready to go to hospital today nut there will be no results for a week afterwards.  Thanks very much for the suggestion for family to see a PALS representative and I will pass it on to my sister later on.

    Good luck with the solicitors later but at least a visit to catch up with a friend is something to look forward to.

    Love and hugs Jules.

    Garf. xx

  • Morning Jo

    Have two feeding stations for the garden birds, one at end of the garden and one close to the house and regularly see robins, blue/great ***, pair of blackbirds, wren (when very cold) and the inevitable pigeons. Goldfinches (sometimes up to 10 of them) love the niger seed.  The bird table itself has seen better days (over the years birds have 'nicked' the thatch roof for nesting material ha ha) and in due course am planning on getting a new one. Have plenty of feline visitors to the garden (none of them mine!!) plus a fox from time to time but only occasional 'mishap' - its nature!!

    Not sure why my washing machine has created such wide ranging conversation but giving me something to smile about has to be a good thing.  Waiting for 'phone lines' to open as having problems with internet access and need to contact provider (technology great when it works though!!).

    Hope you have a peaceful day.  Take care forum friend.  Hugs  Jules x

  • Hello Jules Ive just got back from Asda and packed shopping away I bought my son a cake its his birthday so I think we will have a piece at lunchtime  .He hinted at needing a mirror for his lounge so homebase closed down a few weeks ago ,and I was lucky enough to get a nice one reduced from £75 down to £15 so was lucky ..Hope he approves .Oh Jules it must have been so hard watching hubbies car being taken ,and how much more bad luck can you have its sods law isnt it like your daughter said things can only get better ,its so rotten you just have to laugh Jules ,and  have a good SCREAM let it all out  .Realy Jules I think you are doing so well ,and hope keeping in touch with your forum friends ,helps you through this difficult time ...I send big hugs ...SueanneXx