Back to work

Well for the first time today since I was diagnosed with lung cancer I was quite disgusted at how my phased back to work Interview progressed , I realised that our company’s 6 month sick pay policy was just lip service ,, ie now that the six month deadline is approaching my companys HR don’t even know what date I left to have my operation and quite frankly don’t care. I have been made to feel like I have been absent from work with a cold or some other faked illness and that I will be treated that way as my paid sickness is due to expire ( so much for thm telling me when I went in for my operation not to worry, I have done my upmost to be positive - even going back to work at the start of last November, although it was a struggle I thought I was doing the right thing for the company to keep things as straight forward and as normal as I could regarding the situation of my health ,I returned home today with bruises on my arm from carrying things around even though I’m supposed to be on light duties and I am so disappointed at how my meeting went today , I feel like I am being deliberately forced to do things I’m not capable of doing like I used to and that they have just washed thier hands and left me to the Hr until I am forced out of the company, so much for feeling like I was doing so well.

really devastated 


sorry needed to vent my frustration!

  • Thanks Chrissie/ RP / Telemundo 

    i will look into the link also and maybe send Link to our hr, won’t take them long to figure out who sent it if I do I’m guessing,

    thankyou all for your support 



  • The acas website is pretty useful as well.  

    Employers are supposed to make reasonable adjustments to help you with your recovery at work, sounds like your HR needs to brush up on the rules. 

  • Hello edward.  I am sorry you are having these problems.  I would keep a record of all conversations with your management and maybe write out the main points of your sickness and how it affected your work.  It may be useful.  I worked in a public sector company and became used to dealing with management in sickness issues.  You can really do wihthout this and the hassle it entails but you need to protect your position.

  • Thanks Annieliz 

    as for an update nothing has changed still being bullied and harassed sworn at and being made to feel like ***** and even Another guy has got involved he is a big steroid guy who is friends with my manager , it all fits in the hr are friends with my manager whos girlfriend sits opposite the Other guy in the office upstairs,they still persist in trying to make my life hell, i cannot understand why they are like this i have done nothing to them i just wanted to return to work and get my life as normal as i could for myself and my family.

  • You are covered by the Disability Discrimination Act, are they aware of that? I ended up threatening my bosses with being taken to a tribunal if they didn’t sort themselves out. 

  • This makes my blood boil.  Give a telephone call to MacMillan Cancer Support (Freefone 0808 808 0000) who I am sure will have heard similar appalling stories before.   I managed a large department and could be a *** at times but I never gave people the kind of appalling treatment which you are receiving when they needed help.  Do give MacMillan a ring as they may be able to point in the direction of help.  Also, as previously mentioned do keep a record of everything that takes place at your workplace; it may come in handy one day.  Annie

  • It’s all written down and I’ve given them a copy of it. 

  • Hi I hope everybody is doing good, I have done what you mentioned regarding this issue and have full records of times dates and witnesses if they would even come forward , i went over everything since my return to work and discreetly asked people about what had happened when i was off work dealing with my cancer and it turns out this guy messed everything up hence upon my return he was so jelous about the attention i was getting and how much better i am at doing the job involved he felt threatend that he would loose his job as although he is a manager it was me doing his job for him and higher managers seem to have realised that for reasons i cannot post and although this guy/ and the IT guy seem to still be trying to threaten me any chance they get... my personal well being is far more important to me , i am the stronger person for being me and diffusing all the abuse .. mainly just putting my headphones in doing my job the best i can as higher management can see the job i do and i now basically cut this lower manager out as he is an incapable  person and the other managers can hopefully see that, i am far from happy with the situation but hopfully things will change and i can just carry on providing for my family in the career i used to enjoy and hopfully enjoy once again like i said i am the better person in all of this and i hope if someone is going through the same they can get through it .