
Has anyone had their oncologist recommend this new drug yet? 
I would like to hear from anyone who knows about it as it is something that I will be asking for. 
thanks in advance,

  • I too have been on the infusion. Drug for a year now and due to start the injections next week , my skin  itching has been horrible itchy legs arm and neck also .  Have tried steroid cream too but this has also caused a burning skin sensation.  Have also had some minor  toilet  issues. Cramps constipation.  I didn't realise.this was all a part if rhe side affects until I read the notes with my oncologist.  

  • Hi ambera - I know this is several moths after your initial post but thought I'd answer anyway :)

    I had my first Phesgo injection 17/11 - 5 weeks post simple mastectomy. I was the first one in our small cancer unit where I live to get it. Was stingy to begin with and I developed a hand sized welt (raised area) on my thigh but that was gone by the morning. Side effects so far - diarrhoea, gurgly stomach, headaches and feeling tired but not sleeping well plus legs are a bit achy (I have fibromyalgia too so don't know if it's that or the Phesgo). I am due 17 more injections if I tolerate them.  Also having a heart scan (ECHO) done next week as Phesgo can affect your heart.

    Have you started on your injections?

    Regards, Kaisa

  • Good afternoon l have been having phesgo since January this year l really think it's great it's over very quickly l haven't had any side effects you will have slight swollen leg at the site but soon goes down 

  • Hi ,  I was wondering if you could help.  My mum was diagnosed denovo in December last year to live and bones, she started immdiately on docetaxol and herceptin and in the grand scheme of things has been ok.  This was a devestating blow to her and us all after spending 14 months telling the docs she was unwell they put it down to her being pre menapausal shes 57.  Im her 26 year old daughter and im looking at everything trying to be one step ahead, i am not a fan so far of her oncoloigist him as a doctor he is very matter of fact etc but i feel he lacks in compassion and termonolgy isnt sincere.  Sorry for rambling, anyways she starts phesgo this week, she had a gopod half way scan.  But im jsut wondering if anyone has any reviews like will she be able to continue with normal day to life or does it take it out you.  Also how long can she be on this for? when she was fist diagnosed they talked in terms of many months but since my reserach ive found that now a days HER2 postive seems to be pretty treatable, im on the hunt for options more pathways and options, i just like to be one step ahead with information to keep her posotive and focused.  


    Any updates advice or previous stoies and first line treatment timings would be great.


    Your all wonderful brave ladies.

  • I have been having phesgo injections every 21 days together with my weekly chemo (Paclitaxel). Now my chemo is finished I'm having just the Phesgo injections every 21 days. Have been having a few side effects, rash, mainly on the face, diarreah and tingling in the bottom of my feet. I lost my hair right at the beginning starting Chemo.. Mastectomy set for 13th October.

  • Hi Jet

    I hope your surgery went well and you have made a good recovery. I have had four injections of Phesgo with Docetaxel at 3-weekly intervals, and today I had the first Phesgo on its own. Would you mind telling me how you're getting on with Phesgo on its own? Have you had any side effects? Does it affect your immunity? Thank you.


  • Hi Amy. I'm doing OK with the Phesgo injections every 21 days. I was having side effects when I was having chemo as well. Rash on face. Tingling feet, diareah. My only side effects I seem to have now are brittle nails but oncologist says that that could still be from the chemo as well. Hope you are doing OK? 

  • Thanks, Jet. Good to hear you're doing OK. It's still early days but hopefully I won't have any horrible side effects. My nails are strong (painted with black varnish) but there's a thickening developing under the nail tips, especially on my right hand (the cancer/PICC line side). I haven't recovered from the last chemo as quickly as from the others, tire quickly when walking, but taste is coming back. Otherwise feeling fine and waiting for surgery in March. Take care x

  • Hiya. I also had thicker Omg of the nails. I'm now just using a nail strengthener which seems to work. Hope all goes well with the surgery. Had my mastectomy last october and 13 lymphnodes removed.. Scar has healed but still have seroma build up which can take while to clear. My hand started to swell 1 week after the pickline hence I had to inject bloodthinners. Now just on tablets. Letrozole to reduce hormones and next week Phesgo injection and will olso start on Zoledronic Acid  via a cánula every 6 months for the next 3 years. It's to strengthen the bones. You'll get through it. Stay positive.