Liver resection

Hi, I'm new. I'm due to have a liver resection  next week. Had anyone had or know anyone been through this please.  Thanks

  • Hi , many thanks for reply. Lol@ chocolate!

    Surgery is this coming Wednesday.  Ah about the re growing bit, everything you read seems to indicate it grows back, good to know. The tumour is on right side of liver so I'll lose the big section. Right trisectionectomy? Hopefully they'll be able to get it all as it's near the main centre vein.  I had a hysterectomy  about 9 years ago as had a tumour on ovary they said it was benign  but apparently  its spread to the liver!.  From MRI's it doesn't seem to have gone anywhere  else but they are doing a mid line incision  to check as much as possible. 

    So glad your outcome has been ok, hope you keep well. I'm just going to have to be prepared  to not be able to do much for quite a while.  Thank you again for your reply, very informative.  

  • Yeah I had a mid line incision, so they could move bits about and have a good ‘ol look! 

    I hope the surgery is straightforward for you and you recover well. I think as long as you are prepared for it to be a bit of hard work you aren’t going into it blind. 

    I did a lot of swimming when I was able to, I found it relaxing and it helped to get the abdominal muscles back in the right place.

    If you need anything else give me a shout. 

  • Thanks, somehow feels better to know other people have been through simelar things too.  Appreciate the tips and as you say sometimes the more you know and the worst to expect makes it bit easier.  Sorry just thought of something, what did you wear after the op in hospital? Could you wear a bra etc , loose t shirt? Regarding the incision. 

    Thanks for the replies, glad to hear everything  was a success, keep well and take care  x

  • No bra! I think it would hurt - my incision isn’t all that far below the middle of my breasts and they put a torso-length piece of material down it to support you (you press it against you as you manoeuvre) I wore lose t-shirts and pyjama style trousers. There wasn’t too much walking about at least until the epidural came out. Only walking I really did was when the physio came and made me wade about. 

    I always wanted to be as well informed as possible through my journey though some people find comfort in not knowing until it happens. Be kind and patient with yourself in the recovery, it’s long and physically taxing but you’ll get there x 

  • Great! Thank you,  you just think of these small things that can end up big. So much helpful information.  Much appreciative of your time to reply. I think that's it! Lol.  Many thanks again, take care yourself  xx

  • Hi Iv had 3 liver resections all done by open surgery 

  • Hi Essmum , just wondering how you're keeping xx

  • Hi there

    My husband has just had robotic liver resection. They said he could be in critical care for 2-3 days but was on ward after 24 hours. This is day 3 of his recovery and he is still in a lot of pain but being managed. Has anyone here had robotic liver resection. It is meant to be a better healing. 

  • Hi there


    I had my liver resection on 18th Jan. Robotic surgery just like your husband. So I was home after five days and was in very little pain just tight and weak in the midrif. I slept a lot for next few days. 12 hours a day. After a few days at home I was finding it easier and easier to get out of bed, shower, put socks on. I was quite surprised how quick I got stronger in that way

    It's two weeks post op and today I started doing bits...washing dishes, cooking dinner. But now I am totally exhausted. I have looked that up and the fatigue can be normal and last up to 8 weeks. I am a get up and go person so I am finding that frustrating but I just gota give in somewhat and let my other half step up and take care of me and our kids. He has been amazing.

    I have found my brain very foggy too and I feel unable to read. That's strange but again normal I think. 

    I hope this has helped.


  • Hi when you had your 2nd resection did they go through your previous roof top scar ? 
    Thank you x